Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Daniel Bryan Pulling Double Duty At Elimination Chamber? & Rob Van Dam Now Confirmed For Feb. 24th RAW!

- The talk at last night's RAW was that there needed to be a big match between Daniel Bryan & Kane to end there feud and they thought it would be to big of a match to hold on TV. Word as of last night was to put Daniel Bryan against Kane in the opening match of the Elimination Chamber PPV then go on to main event in the Elimination Chamber WWE World Championship match pulling double duty that night. WWE has also discussed throwing some kind of major swerve involving Daniel Bryan at the PPV.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Another Major Name Appearing At Feb. 24th RAW?!? & Hulk Hogan Now Confirmed!

- The Ultimate Warrior's name has recently been brought up to add to the already stacking list of major names appearing on the big Feb. 24th edition of RAW. As of right now the idea was to have Warrior do an in ring segment thanking the fans and discuss his upcoming Hall of fame induction and also plug the WWE Network in some fashion as well as his upcoming DVD. Also mentioned was to have Warrior potentially begin a program for one last match at Wrestlemania XXX.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Brock Lesnar Working Extreme Rules? & Big Entrance Planned For Wyatt Family At Wrestlemania!

- At last word Brock Lesnar's current booking plans have him working select RAW's before Wrestlemania and off course he will work Wrestlemania XXX itself. After that however, Brock is scheduled to take part in at least 2-3 more RAW's before Extreme Rules on May 4th. Brock Lesnar against Batista has been pitched for the show for the WWE Championship.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wrestlemania XXX News & Why Is It So Chaotic This Year?, Another "Anonymous" Letter Released Ripping CM Punk!

- After this weeks tapings the word surrounding Wrestlemania XXX isn't in high hopes at all... apparently creative have become so worried it's gotten to the point where they just "shut up" and do what there told. At last word Vince McMahon was so stressed that Wrestlemania XXX could end up being a big failure that even Triple H & Stephanie have kept there distance from him.

Rob Van Dam Returning On Feb. 24th RAW?, New Age Outlaws Staying Around How Long? & Update On 2014 Hall Of Fame!

- Rob Van Dam is currently really close to returning to WWE TV... He has even stated in an interview he wants to be part of Wrestlemania XXX. As of right now the current plan is to bring Rob Van Dam back to the big Feb. 24th RAW along with Undertaker and Hulk Hogan among other names...

The Shield Breaking Up At Elimination Chamber?, What Caused Shawn Michaels To Say "No" To Wrestlemania Match With Daniel Bryan?

- There is a really strong possibility that the Shield will see its end come Elimination Chamber... As of right now plans call for Roman Reigns to be pushed to the top as a mega babyface while both Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins remain heels but go there separate ways. A potential triple threat match at Wrestlemania between the three has also been discussed.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sting/WWE Update!, Undertaker Returning At Feb. 24th RAW? & Batista Movie Gets A Sequel!

- In an update with the Sting/WWE situation... while it's been reported that some officials feel Sting isn't seen as a "top priority" to sign, I wouldn't put too much weight into that as WWE is said to be "Extremely close" to signing Sting and those close to the deal say "it could happen any day now". While current plans call for Sting to not wrestle at this year's Wrestlemania XXX he should still be involved in some way shape or form if he indeed finally signs the deal. A Hall of fame induction for next year 2015 would also be a lock as well.

- As of Monday night's RAW, The Undertaker is currently scheduled to return to the Feb. 24th edition of RAW that being the RAW after Elimination Chamber and the night of the WWE Network launch. Also currently scheduled for that show is none other than Hulk Hogan and rumored to be Kevin Nash. Undertaker is still wanting to face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania XXX.

- Even though it hasn't even been released yet, Marvel announced that a "Guardians of the Galaxy" sequel will begin filming in early 2015 and scheduled for a 2016 release. Batista has a major role in the film and has already signed on for it's sequel's meaning he is required to take time away from WWE when filming starts.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Kurt Angle Wants WWE Return! "Is Miserable" In TNA?, Bray Wyatt Push Update & Potential Big Names For 2014!

- With all the news recently being reported about Kurt Angle's backstage blow up with a TNA creative official, and him currently being in pretty bad shape physically. Kurt Angle has told friends that he fully expects to return to WWE this year once his current TNA contract expires in the summer. Angle has shown a lot of frustration with TNA's current product and how he has been booked AND working hurt against doctors orders. It's said from a source that Angle "is miserable" in TNA right now and will "run for WWE" this summer.

- Praise for Bray Wyatt continues backstage not only his in ring work but the fact that he writes all of his promos is a big praise as well. Wyatt is expected to be "pushed to the moon" this year and could end up being THE top heel in 2014.

- As far as new rising stars in 2014 the potentially big names to keep in mind and look for are Alexander Rusev, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Paige, Emma & Enzo Amore from NXT are all expected to potentially debut on WWE TV this year. Emma has already been seen in the crowd and on this week's RAW. Alexander Rusev debuted in this year's Royal Rumble match and is expected to hit the main WWE roster shortly along with manager Lana.

- As far as current WWE stars go Antonio Cesaro & Bray Wyatt are both expected to get major pushes this year as well...