Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wrestlemania XXX News & Why Is It So Chaotic This Year?, Another "Anonymous" Letter Released Ripping CM Punk!

- After this weeks tapings the word surrounding Wrestlemania XXX isn't in high hopes at all... apparently creative have become so worried it's gotten to the point where they just "shut up" and do what there told. At last word Vince McMahon was so stressed that Wrestlemania XXX could end up being a big failure that even Triple H & Stephanie have kept there distance from him.

- With CM Punk walking out, Negotiations failing with Goldberg, Shawn Michaels turning down the match with Daniel Bryan and now the crowd turning on the WWE so to speak it has everyone on edge. Vince is said to be under so much pressure right now he is making himself ill worrying so much with the Network launching in only a matter of 3 weeks now. Here is the absolute latest on current potential plans for the big event...

- Hulk Hogan IS currently scheduled to be the special guest host this year similar to that of The Rock's role at Wrestlemania XXVII but Hogan could play a bigger part so to speak depending on that they allow and don't allow Hogan to do.

- Daniel Bryans name is also a hot topic backstage currently with fans turning on the current product and making it clear they want Bryan in the main event at the big show this year. However, Vince isn't expected to budge too much on this, there are two scenarios for Daniel Bryan currently being discussed. One is the more popular choice from creative and management and that is the proposed singles match pitting Daniel Bryan against Triple H. Choice number two is the less likely choice but could still happen potentially and that would see Bryan getting put into the WWE title mix in a triple threat match with Randy Orton & Batista.

- Undertaker is officially 100% to go for Wrestlemania and will be returning at the Feb. 24th RAW to set up his program going into the show... What that program is? as of Monday night's RAW the CURRENT plan was for Brock Lesnar to still challenge for the streak. However, things change and Brock Lesnar's booking has been one of them one minute he is facing Undertaker the next he is the one inserted into the WWE title picture. But as of right now Undertaker/Lesnar is still on...

- John Cena is still on the road to facing Bray Wyatt at the big event as nothing has changed there... Word has it Bray Wyatt is looking forward to this feud as he sees it as a "potential big game changer" and Cena was pretty excited as well...

- Cody Rhodes is expected to turn on Goldust at some point in the near future setting up Goldust VS. Cody Rhodes at the big event as well...

- Ultimate Warrior's name continues to be brought up on a Wrestlemania appearance or even one final match for his "final farewell" to the fans so to speak. Ryback was a potential opponent that was discussed...

- Sheamus is looking to take on Kane potentially at the big event... There were rumors that Ryback may be taking on Sheamus but as of right now Kane is on the cards to take on Sheamus while Ryback potentially faces child hood hero Ultimate Warrior.

- Finally, The Miz & Dolph Ziggler are expected to form a new tag team with the "disgruntled young worker" attitude and could potentially take the Tag titles away from New Age Outlaws at the event.

- Another "anonymous" letter from a reported top WWE main eventer has been released online, this time he is taking shots at CM Punk here is what the letter states...

"Honestly, Punk is being a little bitch. I liked him so much before his run leading to and after that Money in the Bank in Chicago. He's a guy where you have to be really in his circle for him to I guess open up, which I understand, but being put in a feud with Kane and then with HHH at Mania is not a bad thing. Now I understand he feels this is his last Mania and he wants to main event and really, with the right storyline, that match could main event, but literally after the Tribute to the Troops incident he's just been difficult. There are so many there that want his spot, that want to say, 'I need a weekend off to go to UFC.' I really and fully believe he's a little jealous of the crowd reactions to Bryan and it's getting to him—He's just been such a dick lately. That interview with Ariel, he acted like he was the victim at the Troops taping when Michelle was just joking. Little bitch AJ took it to the wrong level. Do you really think AJ would have a 'pipe bomb' interview time or longest Diva champ BS if she wasn't dating Punk? Punk really doesn't want to be the face of the company. That's BS. I hate hearing that shit. He says he does but this isn't ROH or OVW. He would bitch so much if he had to do Michael & Kelly at 9 a.m., then fly to a different state (for Raw), do a Make-A-Wish at 1 p.m. and then RAW, then do SmackDown, then do something Wednesday to fly home Thursday to be on the road Friday or Saturday. No way he could handle that for four months. He may come back as soon as Monday or he may never come back, but if never comes back he better remember how many fans he's f***ing over right now, the same way he believes the WWE is f***ing him over. And I'm not defending Vince or HHH. Especially HHH, because people are seeing that HHH taking over isn't as cool as they thought it would be. Outlaws, Nash, X-Pac, Flair, HBK, Batista—yeah must be nice to be HHH friends." 

- It is rumored that John Cena is the one behind this letter but I can no way confirm that as of right now... More as it comes.

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