Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Major Update On Wrestlemania XXX!, Batista News & Scott Hall In 2014 Hall Of Fame?

- With the recent creative meetings that were held there is said to be now NOTHING set in stone for Wrestlemania XXX with the possible exception of John Cena VS. Bray Wyatt... With CM Punk now gone and the constant booking changes of Brock Lesnar creative is having a real hard time currently planning for the big event. Most are worried that Wrestlemania "has fallen off the rails" so to speak. Vince McMahon continues to worry but still has high hopes everything will fall into place shortly.

- With Batista's current crowd reactions creative currently has plans to turn him heel come after Wrestlemania XXX... there was a push to do it before then but Vince is sticking to his guns on waiting until after the big event.

- Aside from Paul Bearer & The Wrestlemania I main event... Word now is that Scott Hall could also be now a lock for the 2014 hall of fame as well. Triple H himself brought up his name at a recent meeting and with his current clean up it went over well with management and Vince McMahon.

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