Monday, December 9, 2013

Triple H Behind Not Wanting Hulk Hogan To Wrestle At Wrestlemania?!? & WWE No Longer Contacting Certain Stars On Returning?

- With all the talk and speculation that Hulk Hogan is very close to signing and returning to WWE again, the rumors began of him working a match with John Cena at Wrestlemania XXX... then reports started changing on possibly a tag team match taking place between Hogan & Cena VS. Orton & Triple H at the big event. Well, word is Triple H is against both of those idea's and wants John Cena for himself at Wrestlemania XXX in a singles match. While Hogan remains close to a deal on returning to the company he wants to have some kind of major involvement with Wrestlemania... needless to say Vince McMahon is very unpleased with the current Wrestlemania plans thus far so anything can change and likely will change right up until concrete deals are made. But it looks as if Triple H may be playing his political card to get John Cena one on one rather than to have the tag team match or Hogan/Cena match.

- At last word WWE stopped contacting The Rock about a possible return and match at Wrestlemania XXX. Vince McMahon has been very displeased with the way Rock has suddenly ignored WWE's phone calls and idea's for his return as he thought a mutual agreement was made last year for him to work Wrestlemania XXX. Unless things change do not expect Wrestlemania to feature The Rock this year.

- WWE has also made no contact to Chris Jericho on returning for Wrestlemania XXX... but "the door remains open" if he wants to return soon.

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