Monday, December 9, 2013

WWE RAW *The Slammys* Results 12/9/13!

- Tonight's Slammy award RAW is live from Seattle, Washington...

- They intro the show as if we are at the Oscars naming all the stars like John Cena, Randy Orton, Big Show, The Authority, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan & featuring guest stars Bret Hart, Eve Torres, Mick Foley, New Age Outlaws & Shawn Michaels.

- Daniel Bryan is out first to some enormous "YES!" chants as it looks we will have a match to start things off...

Match #1
Daniel Bryan Def. Fandango via Running Knee...

- The Wyatt's appear on the tron after the match... Bray admits that his patience is wearing thin for Bryan to join the family. Bray goes on to say that at TLC no matter if it kills him he will bring out the monster in Bryan and show the whole world that he belongs with them. All the pain in the world can't stop him. Bryan is in the ring doing his NO! motions with the crowd as it goes to commercial.

- Booker T & Jerry Lawler are out as the special hosts for the Slammy's... they introduce the first category "LOL moment of the year" and first presenters The New Age Outlaws!... NAO come out dressed in the orange and blue tuxedos that Jim Carrey & Jeff Daniels wore in "Dumb & Dumber" the crowd goes crazy for them and chant "ONE MORE MATCH!"... they do there usual routine and introduce the nominees those being. Titus O Neil puking his thanksgiving food contest eatings in JBL's hat and on Zeb Colter, Vickie being fired and throwing a fit on RAW, the taming of Santino's "Cobra" from Jinder and Great Khali & finally The Rock's concert insulting Vickie Guerrero. We find out who wins next...

- Winner of the "LOL moment of the year" is The Rock concert, Rock's music plays but Vickie comes out and accepts the award saying "Rock, this award represents my beauty remember that" and walks away.

Match #2
Damien Sandow Def. Santino Marella

- Big E Langston was at ringside doing commentary again... after the match he gets in the ring and raises the Intercontinental title taunting Sandow for there match this Sunday.

- The Shield come out to present the award for "Double cross of the year" they are all in suits and Ambrose says he knows he looks good... Rollins says this award isn't for us because we take care of business face to face... Roman continues by saying that's why you will never see when Ambrose cuts Reigns off and says THAT'S WHY you will never see us in this category and your nominees are... Mark Henry fakes retirement, Paul Heyman turns on CM Punk, Shawn Michaels hits sweet chin music on Daniel Bryan costing him the WWE title at Hell in a Cell & Triple H hits the pedigree on Bryan costing him the WWE title at Summerslam.

- The winner for "Double cross of the year" is Shawn Michaels!... HBK comes out to cheers and says after all these years of me double crossing people it took four year's after retirement for me to win it?!? the injustice there I tell you... the crowd starts chanting "YOU SOLD OUT!" HBK says look pinhead I sold out a long time ago that's why I'm still here!... he goes on to say thanks and that he has enjoyed it and leaves.

Match #3
The Miz Def. Kofi Kingston via surprise roll up

- After the match Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Miz out of frustration...

- Eve Torres it out to present the next Slammy for "Diva of the year" she says its an honor to be back tonight to present Diva of the year and the nominees are... Natalya, The Bella Twins, AJ Lee, Eva Marie & Kaitlyn.

- A TLC promo is shown...

- The Diva of the year is... The Bella Twins! (the crowd actually boos) they ignore the boos and say thanks anyways it was really awkward. Crowd seemed very displeased.

Match #4
Rey Mysterio, Big Show, Goldust & Cody Rhodes Def. Real Americans, Ryback & Curtis Axel

- Booker T & Jerry Lawler introduce Shawn Michaels who will present Superstar of the year... HBK comes out and it cocky saying he has already won an award tonight and personally adds "Mr. Slammy" to his list of titles. He gets more cocky and says this award is for those who give A plus performances remind you of anybody? he says maybe we should change the name of this award to the HBSHIZZLE award and introduces the nominees those are... Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton, Big Show & John Cena.

- They hype the mid season finale of Total Divas...

- The winner of Superstar of the year is... Daniel Bryan!, the crowd goes nuts expecting a heated confrontation between the two but nothing happens as HBK hands him the award just holding onto it longer than usual and then walks away. Bryan thanks HBK and says he is no longer mad about HBK costing him the WWE championship and he claims that if you were all happy this year he promises that 2014 will be even bigger! and GO SEAHAWKS! to a big reaction and leaves.

Match #5
Sin Cara Def. Alberto Del Rio

- Next the Prime Time Players are out to introduce "Fan participation award of the year"... Titus goes on to say that fan participation is important and chanting can make or break some stars. The nominees are... Fandango-ing, Daniel Bryan's YES!, What's Up! & Let's Go Cena/Cena Sucks!.

- The winner of Fan participation is... Daniel Bryan's YES! he comes out again and says well now I'm just a bit lost on what to say so I guess theres only one thing left to say and that's YES! YES! YES! as the crowd goes along with him.

- They promote the "Championship Ascension" taking place tonight hyping it's the last time we will see both titles on RAW ever again.

- Another TLC promo is shown...

Match #6
Brodus Clay Def. Xavier Woods in a squash...

- After the match Clay continues to attack Woods prompting Sweet T and R-Truth to get involved they break Clay away from Woods eventually... It seems as if Clay has turned heel officially as he walks away saying IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!.

- Out next The Miz comes out to present "Insult of the year" he says what do all the insults in this category have in common... that they are all AWESOME!! and he says the nominees are... AJ's pipebomb to the divas, Zeb Colter's insults to the fans and America, Paul Heyman's insults to CM Punk & Stephanie McMahon's insult to Big Show.

- The winner of Insult of the year is... Stephanie McMahon! she comes out and says what some people consider an insult I consider a compliment because finally most of you realize what IS best for business! and leaves.

Match #7
CM Punk Def. Dean Ambrose via GTS

- Match of the night here... A lot of cockiness shown from Ambrose here towards his partners Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins to the point where he told them to beat it towards the end of the match. After Punk defeats Ambrose Reigns nails a big spear on Punk and they leave.

- They hype the Unified Championship match at TLC showing promo interviews from Ric Flair, Steve Austin, Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels.

- "Extreme moment of the year" award is next Booker T & Jerry Lawler introduce Mick Foley!... Foley says being a WWE superstar takes giving every drop of soul and blood to the WWE universe. He also says it could also mean us giving the fans something to remember forever some things so painful you forget about. The nominees are... Shield triple powerbombs Undertaker, Ryback spears Cena through the LED screen at Extreme Rules, Bray Wyatt destroys Kane at Summerslam & CM Punk gets revenge on Paul Heyman at Hell in a Cell.

- The winner of most extreme moment is... CM Punk's revenge against Heyman at Hell in a Cell! Punk walks out selling the spear Reigns gave him and looking around for the Shield. Punk thanks the crowd and thanks Heyman for being such a big target and tells the WWE universe to tune in Sunday to see some more extreme and leaves.

Match #8
Luke Harper & Erik Rowan Def. The Usos

- Booker T & Jerry Lawler are back and they talk about match of the year... they introduce a man who has many matches of the year ladies and gentlemen hall of famer Bret Hart!... Bret Hart comes out to loud cheers. Bret says there are thousands of matches every year in WWE but the most difficult task for a WWE superstar is to have the match of the night among those thousands. He also says he's had many great matches and says there has been many great matches this year and the nominees are... Brock Lesnar VS. Triple H at Extreme Rules, CM Punk VS. Undertaker at Wrestlemania, The Rock VS. John Cena at Wrestlemania & The Shield VS. Goldust & Cody Rhodes at Battleground.

- The winner of match of the year is... John Cena VS. The Rock at Wrestlemania! Cena comes out to some boos and cheers and hugs Bret. Cena says Wrestlemania 29 was a great night and match with one of the best opponents I've ever faced. He thanks the WWE universe for voting for that match and it's a match and memory he will never forget thanks and walks away.

Match #9
Natalya Def. Tamina

- Triple H is on his way out with Stephanie and up next is the "Ascension ceremony"...

- In the ring we have all former WWE/WHC champions along with Stephanie... Triple H is talking but the "Daniel Bryan!" chants are so loud you can barely hear him. Triple H eventually stops talking and lets the crowd do it's thing... he then says "that's a lot of family for one arena Daniel!, I should have known they all look just like you!" to some boos. Triple H introduces Randy Orton and then introduces John Cena it's time to hear from them... Randy gets on the mic and gives a pretty good promo actually saying he took out Foley, has embarassed HBK on several occasions and would have taken out Bret Hart if given the chance. He also says Cena lost whatever "Ruthless Aggression" he had a long time ago because if he still had it he would have already taken him out last week. Orton says Cena will regret that the rest of this life after TLC Sunday the crowd is chanting "boring!" during Orton's promo which I found to be annoying because it was actually pretty good coming from Orton. It's Cena's turn and he cranks up the volume telling Orton he has been given every damn thing he has gotten thus far in his WWE career... he talks about how he has had attitude problems in the ring and outside the ring. He knows what it means to be World Champion it's about respect he points out even though some of these guys in the ring may not like me they sure as hell respect me! they didn't want to give Ziggler a chance I said let's do it!... they thought it would be a bad idea to give CM Punk the WWE Championship and I said hell why not he's the best in the world!... He points out Bryan's only fair shot was when he beat him at Summerslam then had it taken away from him! he says at TLC I will be at my very best and hopefully you are to because the last thing we need is another Randy Orton excuse!... they stiffly shake hands and Orton cheap shots Cena and all hell breaks loose in the ring. Orton pushes Punk and Punk goes after Orton and Triple H yanks Orton off of Punk... Punk then attacks Triple H but then runs into sweet chin music from HBK but Daniel Bryan is waiting as HBK turns around he is hit with the Runnign Knee from Bryan. Orton and Cena are battling but Orton accidentally knocks over Stephanie and everyone stops. Pissed off Triple H pedigree's Orton and helps Stephanie up... Orton looks up at Triple H, Cena & Stephanie to close the show.

- End Show -

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