Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Update On Shawn Michaels Wrestling At Wrestlemania XXX!, WWE Going Through With Shield Break Up? & Wrestlemania 31 Logo Revealed!

- Once again last night at the Slammy awards RAW tension was teased with Shawn Michaels & Daniel Bryan after HBK hit a Sweet Chin Music on CM Punk and Bryan retaliated with the running knee on HBK after wards. HBK also presented the Superstar of the year award to Bryan earlier in the night... the questions keep getting asked is HBK coming out of retirement to face Bryan at Wrestlemania?... while there is still no 100% concrete answer, word from backstage at last night's show was that HBK seemed to be in a great mood and was said to be more open to the idea and that he was heavily considering doing the match. WWE has been very careful not to set anything in stone in that HBK & Bryan's encounters have been small but all meaningful. More as it comes...

- As previously reported earlier WWE originally pushed back The Shields breakup until after Wrestlemania next year... but it seems as if Triple H wants to go ahead and move forward with the break up sooner rather than later. As seen on RAW last night Dean Ambrose was the clear cut "cocky I don't need you" guy of the group last night... This doesn't mean they will break up at TLC but it's a very good possibility considering plans for Wrestlemania are starting.

- Above is the official Wrestlemania 31 logo... Vince hyped this Wrestlemania to be the most interactive of all time and will take place at the San Francisco 49ers stadium.

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