Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Details On Why Cena/Orton Is Being Done!, WWE Diva Gets Engaged! & More Heat On Dolph Ziggler!

- Many have been wondering why WWE decided to push up the title vs. title match... It was originally planned to be a Wrestlemania main event next year. Well word as of Monday night's RAW is that Vince wanted to do something big for TLC due to the string of bad PPV's as of late. Vince has taken notice to this and apparently held some kind of meeting Monday afternoon before RAW went on the air advising creative to "think outside the box" and almost immediately the idea was brought up to move the title vs. title match to TLC and Vince loved the idea and went with it.

- WWE Diva Kaitlyn officially got engaged to bodybuilder PJ Braun while on vacation prior to Survivor Series. Braun officially put on his Twitter account "yes best day ever... she said yes!".

- Dolph Ziggler just can't seem to catch a break with WWE management as yet again there is some more heat on him (although minor) for wearing a shirt he was not given permission to on RAW Monday night. As noted before, Ziggler has been pretty upset as of late with his current position in WWE.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Survivor Series Considered A Major Flop!, WWE Morale Very Low?!? & WWE Looking Forward To Sheamus Return!

- Word coming out of Sunday's Survivor Series PPV is that it was very bad... Many over heard fans complaining as they were leaving the show. Vince McMahon even paced in anger several times during the show and didn't even feed JBL any commentary lines as he usually does. Most blame the recent UK tour as all the wrestlers were still very tired and wore out from the busy schedule. However, creative blamed the superstars for being "to excited" to get a small break for the Thanksgiving holiday that they concentrated on that so much there performances suffered because of it. Either way Vince wants TLC to deliver as there has been a string of bad PPV's from WWE as of late and it has gone noticed.

- Speaking of Survivor Series, not only then was morale low but for the past several weeks morale has been very low in the WWE locker room. Between the exhausting UK tour and string of bad PPV's they have been putting on many are wondering when they are going to get back on track. Vince being obsessed with Wrestlemania XXX plans doesn't seem to be helping either.

- Sheamus was backstage at Survivor Series and many jokes were thrown around about how good he looked compared to the rest of the superstars because he has had a lot of time off. WWE is really excited for Sheamus's return in January as Triple H wants to put him in the Authority angle and put him right back into the main event scene.

Top WWE Feud Considered A Flop?!?, Problems Between Triple H & Vince? & CM Punk Being Quiet?

- WWE were not happy at all with how the Randy Orton/Big Show feud turned out and Vince himself dubbed it a major "flop". There were also many wondering as to why Triple H did not wrestle Big Show as originally planned for the PPV. Neither Orton or Big Show were blamed for the feud not working most put the blame on creative and the lack of build it had considering it should have been Triple H facing Show instead of Orton.

- There has been some small problems as of late between Triple H & Vince McMahon... Vince has stepped in more than usual as of late because he has been unhappy with the product. It's not that there not getting along, there just seems to be a communication problem between the two and the fact that they both have different idea's of who they want to push. With the help from John Cena Vince wants to heavily push Big E Langston while Triple H is pushing hard for Roman Reigns & Damien Sandow to get major pushes.

- Many have noticed that CM Punk has been a lot more quiet than usual backstage as of late, which is odd because he usually says what he wants and when he wants to say it. Many feel because of how tense everyone is right now that could be the reason he has laid back.

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown! Results 11/29/13!

- Smackdown! is taped from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Connecticut

- The show opens with Randy Orton coming out to be interviewed by Renee Young... he brags about his victory at Survivor Series and what happened to Big Show on RAW. Renee then asks about his match at TLC with John Cena and he looks angered and suddenly walks out on the interview to a lot of boos from the crowd.

- A Thanksgiving eating contest is held backstage with Vickie Guerrero as the host...

Match #1
Mark Henry Def. Curtis Axel

- Backstage we see Brodus Clay angry with Xavier Woods for using his girls and theme music on RAW Monday night... he tells Xavier to respect the veterans who have been here before him and pushes him and walks away angrily teasing a heel turn.

- Back to the eating contest and Titus O'Neil ends up winning it...

Match #2
Los Matadores & El Torito Def. 3MB (As the Plymouth Rockers using the Rockers theme music)

Match #3
Tons Of Funk Def. R-Truth & Xavier Woods

- CM Punk is out next and is interviewed by Renee Young as he is asked about Daniel Bryan... he says he hasn't heard or seen from him since the Wyatt's took him away. He also says he doesn't know why The Shield attacked him on RAW after the Wyatt's took Bryan away. He says he thinks all this has something to do with the Authority.

- Bray Wyatt suddenly appears and cuts a promo on Daniel Bryan telling Punk & everyone else that he is safe with him. Bryan is a small man and he will enter a small man but leave us as a new monster as he laughs away.

Match #4
Antonio Cesaro Def. Titus 0'Neil by DQ when Darren Young interferes... after the match Titus was getting sick to his stomach after all the food he ate and suddenly takes JBL's hat and pukes in it and puts it on Michael Cole's head. Titus isn't finished yet and he suddenly pukes all over Zeb Colter as well.

Match #5
Goldust & Cody Rhodes Def. Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins by DQ when Dean Ambrose interferes and then CM Punk comes out and cleans house with a steel chair.

- Vickie Guerrero comes out and makes a new six man tag team match... but just as the match was getting started the lights went out and The Wyatts interfere beating Punk, Goldust & Cody down until Rey Mysterio & The Usos come down to help and another new match is made a 12 man tag team main event.

Match #6
CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Goldust, Cody Rhodes & The Usos Def. The Shield & The Wyatt Family after Rey nails the 619 on Rowan and Punk hit the GTS on him for the win.

- The faces all celebrate to end the show...

Major Wrestlemania XXX News & Potential Plans!

- Vince McMahon is said to be on a frenzy as of late both in his office and backstage at shows... He is said to be extremely upset that no certain match has been set in stone as of yet. With only three PPV's left until the big show it has Vince worried that some of his plans may fall through, Vince is a man who usually gets what he wants but it is said that certain top names are being more difficult than ever to work with now. As of right now here are the current statuses of top names being contacted about appearing or wrestling at the historic 30th Wrestlemania.

Steve Austin- There was word that WWE personally reached out to Austin last month around Hell in a Cell and offered him a "big money deal" to wrestle Triple H at Wrestlemania. Austin was said to be difficult to talk to and asked for a even higher price to commit to the event that was said to be "higher than Goldberg & Hulk Hogan would ask for combined". At last word WWE has had no contact with Austin since his high demands and Vince has personally told the creative staff "not to write anything for Austin" unless something drastic changes.

The Rock- Vince is said to be pretty upset with the Rock at the moment as he thought a mutual agreement was worked out last year for Rock to perform at Wrestlemania XXX. But Rock keeps making his schedule more and more hectic signing onto to more films and filming them. Rock has also not gotten back to WWE about creative idea's pitched to him for a match or return.

Hulk Hogan- Things are looking good for the Hulkser's long time awaited WWE return. Hogan has publicy stated he is 100% officially done with TNA and won't go back as that part of his life is over. Hogan is really wanting to work the dream match with John Cena at Wrestlemania and negotiations continue on both sides and so far so good they hope to reach an official agreement very soon.

Undertaker- Although while he had some recent minor surgery word is he should definitely be ready to go by Wrestlemania. Undertaker keeps pushing for Brock Lesnar to be his opponent although if given the chance and Sting is signed by WWE when his TNA contract expires then expect a change and it be Undertaker VS. Sting instead. But as of right now expect Taker to defend the streak against Lesnar.

Goldberg- Although his asking price is extremely high, Goldberg has gained a little leverage in negotiations with WWE since the likes of Austin & Rock are on the fence or won't be appearing at the event at all. Problem is, WWE is really only wanting Goldberg for one reason and that's a match with Ryback but Goldberg has stated he has "no interest" in facing someone like Ryback nor would be return to job.

Shawn Michaels- Vince & Triple H are pressuring HBK to come out of retirement and face Daniel Bryan at the big event. While HBK has held firm to his retirement so far Vince remains optimistic that he will agree to work the match and it was set up perfectly on RAW following the Hell in a Cell PPV. Even if HBK doesn't work a match expect him to be a part of the show somehow.

Sting- Sting continues to show interest in finally joining WWE once his TNA deal ends in December... although several behind closed doors meetings have recently taken place between Sting & The Carter Family hinting that they may be trying to get Sting to stick around for yet another year. Word is if Sting does indeed go to WWE it wouldn't be just for one match as previously expected. Word has it he would have a Brock Lesnar type schedule and work around 4-5 PPV's in 2014 then possibly Wrestlemania XXXI in 2015 then retire.

- So there are the current updates on the potential stars returning (or debuting in Sting's case) for Wrestlemania next year. Vince is said to be so anxious and distraught that he really wants to have a match or two even set in stone by the end of the TLC PPV next month.

- On a side note, if Hulk Hogan does not end up wrestling John Cena at the big show... then Vince plans on having a Wrestlemania rematch take place between Triple H & John Cena.

Monday, November 25, 2013

WWE RAW Results 11/25/13!

- RAW begins with a picture and caption paying tribute to "Mad Dog" Vachon...

- RAW is live tonight from Nassau Coliseum Long Island, New York...

- Randy Orton is out first and he demands a apology from all the doubters, cynics and delusional WWE Universe. Everyone who thought Big Show would defeat Orton were proven wrong... out comes Triple H & Stephanie, Triple H says he is pleased with what happened last night and Stephanie says it's always a pleasure when the Authority is proven right. Orton gets defensive and claims he didn't need help last night and claims he is the greatest face of WWE of all time. Triple H reminds Orton he was knocked out when they walked out and maybe he didn't remember that. Orton again gets defensive and says he is the Viper and does not need help he is the WWE champion and not the Authority or anyone else for that matter can take that away from me... John Cena's music hits and he comes out and Cena was about to insult Orton until Stephanie interrupts him and says get to the point Cena why did you come out here?... Cena says he sees two world champions, and now he thinks it is finally time for there only to be one World champion! he throws out a challenge Orton VS. Cena title for title!... Stephanie thinks its a great idea and Orton is suddenly pissed again and Triple H gets on the mic and says whoa Randy just a minute ago you were so confident and now your whining again!... Triple H says we are going to make history at TLC! at TLC it will be John Cena VS. Randy Orton in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match WWE Championship VS. World Heavyweight Championship winner take all. Cena celebrates as Orton looks irritated.

Match #1
The Shield Def. Rey Mysterio, Goldust & Cody Rhodes

- MizTV is next and The Miz introduces tonights special guest host Michael Strahan but Titus O'Neil comes out instead dressed like Strahan and even wearing a black gape in his teeth. They poke fun at Strahan for a little bit until the real Michael Strahan comes out but they all joke around and Miz dares Strahan to take a hip toss. He agrees and Miz can't lift Strahan up to do it Titus pushes Miz out of the way and says your doing it wrong and he tries to do it to Strahan but he can't do it either. Strahan then suddenly hip tosses Miz and then hip tosses Titus, they all get up and laugh it off and celebrate together. Michael Strahan then makes tonight's main event John Cena & Big Show VS. Alberto Del Rio & Randy Orton.

Match #2
Big E & Mark Henry Def. Ryback & Curtis Axel

Match #3
Eva Marie, Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, JoJo & The Bellas Def. AJ, Tamina, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes, Kaitlyn & Summer Rae

Match #4
Damien Sandow Def. Dolph Ziggler in a Hampton's Hardcore Match

- The Miz's "Christmas Bounty" movie plug is shown...

- Michael Strahan is backstage with Santino until Santino suddenly gets scared and runs off... when Strahan turns around Erik Rowan is standing there and he hands a goat mask to Strahan and he puts it on they awkwardly stare at each other until Rowan slowly walks off.

Match #5
CM Punk & Daniel Bryan Def. The Wyatts By DQ

- After the match Rowan & Harper pick up Bryan and take him away with them leaving Punk in the ring... Punk tries to get up but is suddenly speared by Roman Reigns and triple powerbombed by The Shield.

Match #6
The Miz Def. Kofi Kingston

- Mick Foley does a really funny WWE Shop promo transforming into both Dude Love & Mankind hyping the black Friday deals...

Match #7
Xavier Woods Def. Heath Slater

- DVD promo is shown for the 50 year's of WWE...

- Backstage Strahan is signing merchandise for the Bella Twins... Eva Marie randomly comes in and says her name and the show she is on and leaves she gets enormous heat. Goldust is standing behind Strahan and when he turns out Goldust does his signature blow in Strahans face and walks away.

- The Rock's greatest Wrestlemania opponent pole reveal is next... the options were John Cena, Hulk Hogan & Steve Austin. Austin wins by a landslide.

- John Cena is shown walking to the ring the main event is next...

Match #8
John Cena & Big Show Def. Randy Orton & Alberto Del Rio

- After the match Cena checks on Big Show but gets jumped by Del Rio but he gets the upper hand nails the AA on Rio... Orton then hits Cena with the WWE title from behind. Orton grabs both World titles and stands over Cena holding them both to end the show.

Notes: Kane was not there tonight nor was he even mentioned for whatever reason... The crowd seemed dead at times and other times were really hot mainly during the main event and the opening match.