Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Details On Why Cena/Orton Is Being Done!, WWE Diva Gets Engaged! & More Heat On Dolph Ziggler!

- Many have been wondering why WWE decided to push up the title vs. title match... It was originally planned to be a Wrestlemania main event next year. Well word as of Monday night's RAW is that Vince wanted to do something big for TLC due to the string of bad PPV's as of late. Vince has taken notice to this and apparently held some kind of meeting Monday afternoon before RAW went on the air advising creative to "think outside the box" and almost immediately the idea was brought up to move the title vs. title match to TLC and Vince loved the idea and went with it.

- WWE Diva Kaitlyn officially got engaged to bodybuilder PJ Braun while on vacation prior to Survivor Series. Braun officially put on his Twitter account "yes best day ever... she said yes!".

- Dolph Ziggler just can't seem to catch a break with WWE management as yet again there is some more heat on him (although minor) for wearing a shirt he was not given permission to on RAW Monday night. As noted before, Ziggler has been pretty upset as of late with his current position in WWE.

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