Monday, November 25, 2013

WWE RAW Results 11/25/13!

- RAW begins with a picture and caption paying tribute to "Mad Dog" Vachon...

- RAW is live tonight from Nassau Coliseum Long Island, New York...

- Randy Orton is out first and he demands a apology from all the doubters, cynics and delusional WWE Universe. Everyone who thought Big Show would defeat Orton were proven wrong... out comes Triple H & Stephanie, Triple H says he is pleased with what happened last night and Stephanie says it's always a pleasure when the Authority is proven right. Orton gets defensive and claims he didn't need help last night and claims he is the greatest face of WWE of all time. Triple H reminds Orton he was knocked out when they walked out and maybe he didn't remember that. Orton again gets defensive and says he is the Viper and does not need help he is the WWE champion and not the Authority or anyone else for that matter can take that away from me... John Cena's music hits and he comes out and Cena was about to insult Orton until Stephanie interrupts him and says get to the point Cena why did you come out here?... Cena says he sees two world champions, and now he thinks it is finally time for there only to be one World champion! he throws out a challenge Orton VS. Cena title for title!... Stephanie thinks its a great idea and Orton is suddenly pissed again and Triple H gets on the mic and says whoa Randy just a minute ago you were so confident and now your whining again!... Triple H says we are going to make history at TLC! at TLC it will be John Cena VS. Randy Orton in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match WWE Championship VS. World Heavyweight Championship winner take all. Cena celebrates as Orton looks irritated.

Match #1
The Shield Def. Rey Mysterio, Goldust & Cody Rhodes

- MizTV is next and The Miz introduces tonights special guest host Michael Strahan but Titus O'Neil comes out instead dressed like Strahan and even wearing a black gape in his teeth. They poke fun at Strahan for a little bit until the real Michael Strahan comes out but they all joke around and Miz dares Strahan to take a hip toss. He agrees and Miz can't lift Strahan up to do it Titus pushes Miz out of the way and says your doing it wrong and he tries to do it to Strahan but he can't do it either. Strahan then suddenly hip tosses Miz and then hip tosses Titus, they all get up and laugh it off and celebrate together. Michael Strahan then makes tonight's main event John Cena & Big Show VS. Alberto Del Rio & Randy Orton.

Match #2
Big E & Mark Henry Def. Ryback & Curtis Axel

Match #3
Eva Marie, Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, JoJo & The Bellas Def. AJ, Tamina, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes, Kaitlyn & Summer Rae

Match #4
Damien Sandow Def. Dolph Ziggler in a Hampton's Hardcore Match

- The Miz's "Christmas Bounty" movie plug is shown...

- Michael Strahan is backstage with Santino until Santino suddenly gets scared and runs off... when Strahan turns around Erik Rowan is standing there and he hands a goat mask to Strahan and he puts it on they awkwardly stare at each other until Rowan slowly walks off.

Match #5
CM Punk & Daniel Bryan Def. The Wyatts By DQ

- After the match Rowan & Harper pick up Bryan and take him away with them leaving Punk in the ring... Punk tries to get up but is suddenly speared by Roman Reigns and triple powerbombed by The Shield.

Match #6
The Miz Def. Kofi Kingston

- Mick Foley does a really funny WWE Shop promo transforming into both Dude Love & Mankind hyping the black Friday deals...

Match #7
Xavier Woods Def. Heath Slater

- DVD promo is shown for the 50 year's of WWE...

- Backstage Strahan is signing merchandise for the Bella Twins... Eva Marie randomly comes in and says her name and the show she is on and leaves she gets enormous heat. Goldust is standing behind Strahan and when he turns out Goldust does his signature blow in Strahans face and walks away.

- The Rock's greatest Wrestlemania opponent pole reveal is next... the options were John Cena, Hulk Hogan & Steve Austin. Austin wins by a landslide.

- John Cena is shown walking to the ring the main event is next...

Match #8
John Cena & Big Show Def. Randy Orton & Alberto Del Rio

- After the match Cena checks on Big Show but gets jumped by Del Rio but he gets the upper hand nails the AA on Rio... Orton then hits Cena with the WWE title from behind. Orton grabs both World titles and stands over Cena holding them both to end the show.

Notes: Kane was not there tonight nor was he even mentioned for whatever reason... The crowd seemed dead at times and other times were really hot mainly during the main event and the opening match.

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