Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Top WWE Feud Considered A Flop?!?, Problems Between Triple H & Vince? & CM Punk Being Quiet?

- WWE were not happy at all with how the Randy Orton/Big Show feud turned out and Vince himself dubbed it a major "flop". There were also many wondering as to why Triple H did not wrestle Big Show as originally planned for the PPV. Neither Orton or Big Show were blamed for the feud not working most put the blame on creative and the lack of build it had considering it should have been Triple H facing Show instead of Orton.

- There has been some small problems as of late between Triple H & Vince McMahon... Vince has stepped in more than usual as of late because he has been unhappy with the product. It's not that there not getting along, there just seems to be a communication problem between the two and the fact that they both have different idea's of who they want to push. With the help from John Cena Vince wants to heavily push Big E Langston while Triple H is pushing hard for Roman Reigns & Damien Sandow to get major pushes.

- Many have noticed that CM Punk has been a lot more quiet than usual backstage as of late, which is odd because he usually says what he wants and when he wants to say it. Many feel because of how tense everyone is right now that could be the reason he has laid back.

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