Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Survivor Series Considered A Major Flop!, WWE Morale Very Low?!? & WWE Looking Forward To Sheamus Return!

- Word coming out of Sunday's Survivor Series PPV is that it was very bad... Many over heard fans complaining as they were leaving the show. Vince McMahon even paced in anger several times during the show and didn't even feed JBL any commentary lines as he usually does. Most blame the recent UK tour as all the wrestlers were still very tired and wore out from the busy schedule. However, creative blamed the superstars for being "to excited" to get a small break for the Thanksgiving holiday that they concentrated on that so much there performances suffered because of it. Either way Vince wants TLC to deliver as there has been a string of bad PPV's from WWE as of late and it has gone noticed.

- Speaking of Survivor Series, not only then was morale low but for the past several weeks morale has been very low in the WWE locker room. Between the exhausting UK tour and string of bad PPV's they have been putting on many are wondering when they are going to get back on track. Vince being obsessed with Wrestlemania XXX plans doesn't seem to be helping either.

- Sheamus was backstage at Survivor Series and many jokes were thrown around about how good he looked compared to the rest of the superstars because he has had a lot of time off. WWE is really excited for Sheamus's return in January as Triple H wants to put him in the Authority angle and put him right back into the main event scene.

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