Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sheamus Turning Heel Upon Return?!? & Update On Why WWE Is Constantly Pushing Alberto Del Rio!

- While out rehabbing his injury and scheduled to return by January... WWE has begun discussing return plans for Sheamus. Creative has been told to move forward with a heel turn upon the return of Sheamus as most feel his face run was getting stale. Sheamus could be added as part of the Triple H regime being "one of the faces" of the company.

- I have received a few questions (and I have always been curious myself) as to why WWE is constantly pushing Alberto Del Rio as a World's champion of some kind. He is known to cause ratings declines and his crowd reactions never seem to be up to par. The answer I found out didn't surprise me and is actually quite simple.

The Answer- Vince McMahon... he loves Alberto Del Rio and with Rey Mysterio being out 90% of the time and Sin Cara being deemed a major flop... Rio is the only big Latino star in WWE and WWE always wants to have a big Latino star with the company. So when Rey Mysterio returns it could get interesting to see who comes out on top of that feud and if Rey can stay healthy to boot.

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