Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sheamus Turning Heel Upon Return?!? & Update On Why WWE Is Constantly Pushing Alberto Del Rio!

- While out rehabbing his injury and scheduled to return by January... WWE has begun discussing return plans for Sheamus. Creative has been told to move forward with a heel turn upon the return of Sheamus as most feel his face run was getting stale. Sheamus could be added as part of the Triple H regime being "one of the faces" of the company.

- I have received a few questions (and I have always been curious myself) as to why WWE is constantly pushing Alberto Del Rio as a World's champion of some kind. He is known to cause ratings declines and his crowd reactions never seem to be up to par. The answer I found out didn't surprise me and is actually quite simple.

The Answer- Vince McMahon... he loves Alberto Del Rio and with Rey Mysterio being out 90% of the time and Sin Cara being deemed a major flop... Rio is the only big Latino star in WWE and WWE always wants to have a big Latino star with the company. So when Rey Mysterio returns it could get interesting to see who comes out on top of that feud and if Rey can stay healthy to boot.

Ezekiel Jackson To Be Pushed Upon Return?!? & Triple H Has "Proposal" For Rhodes Family!

- While he is out rehabbing a muscle tear, Ezekiel Jackson should return to action within the next couple of months. There is talk of pushing him as a big babyface upon his return feuding with Ryback potentially.

- Another interview is scheduled to take place today with Michael Cole & Triple H... Triple H revealed that during the interview he will have a big "proposal" for the entire Rhodes family.

- This could lead to the six man tag team match at Battleground...

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown! Results 9/27/13!

- WWE Smackdown! is taped from Milwaukee, Wisconsin...

- Triple H opens the show to several boo's... he gets on the mic talking about what is best for business and how some people just don't seem to get it. He talks about Daniel Bryan (who won't be here tonight to several boo's) The Rhodes family & The Miz and out comes The Miz interrupting Triple H. The Miz gets on the mic and talks about how unhappy he has been the past week and this week on RAW took it to another level. Triple H says well since you seem to be in better condition tonight I will give you your shot at Randy Orton in the main event tonight. The Miz looks pleased as Triple H leaves...

Match #1
Alberto Del Rio Def. R-Truth

- Rob Van Dam came out after the match and beat Rio with a steel chair... A stipulation is made at Battleground that there match for the World title will be held under "hardcore rules".

Match #2
The Real Americans Def. Prime Time Players

- Triple H DVD promo is shown...

- WWE 2K14 promo is shown...

Match #3
Dolph Ziggler Def. Dean Ambrose via DQ after the rest of The Shield interfered and Rob Van Dam & Kofi Kingston came out to make the save...

- Triple H comes out and makes a six man tag team match during the brawl and that match starts... right now!

Match #4
The Shield Def. Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam & Kofi Kingston

Match #5
AJ Def. Cameron

- Paul Heyman & Ryback cut a promo on CM Punk and how he will be defeated and humiliated yet again at Battleground.

Match #6
Great Khali & Santino Marella Def. 3MB

- The Miz is shown getting ready for the main event backstage...

Match #7
Randy Orton Def. The Miz

- Orton got DQ'ed early in the match as he ignored the referee and kept attacking Miz's injuries... Triple H came out and forced the match to restart saying he had to win via pinfall. Orton nails the RKO for the win.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

*BIG NEWS* Randy Orton Gets Wind Of Mr. Anderson's TNA Release! What Did He Say To Creative?!? & Hulk Hogan Turns Down TNA's Renewal Offer?!?

- Mr. Anderson's TNA contract expired recently and negotiations have reported to recently come to a halt as to resigning him. Well, those who followed know by now that Randy Orton still holds a grudge against Mr. Anderson in his last ever WWE match when Anderson (as Mr. Kennedy) back suplexed Orton on his head in a tag team match on RAW. Anderson was fired from the WWE the day after that RAW... It seems as if Orton has gotten wind of Anderson now being a free agent and Triple H showed some interest in using him as a major babyface in the company going up against the new Triple H regime. However, Orton has recently voiced his grievances claiming it would be a "major mistake" if they brought back Anderson to the company. He then went along to say things like "He can't be trusted" and "he won't draw a dime". Anderson was telling many backstage within TNA that he was hoping to start a new chapter in the WWE when his time with TNA was over, but now it looks as if Orton may be the deal breaker between him getting back into the WWE. Anderson's TNA negotiations have currently stopped and unless something happens soon Anderson will be wrestling the indy circuit or doing something else in his endeavors unless WWE does indeed pick him up.

- Hulk Hogan was recently offered a new TNA contract that would extend his time with the company from October 1st 2013 through October 1st of 2015. Hogan immediately turned down the renewal from TNA and wanted to speak to Dixie Carter directly but she has yet to contact him in any way. Rumor has it Hogan turned down the deal because the pay being dropped from his current deal and his appearances were "scattered all over the place". As of right now Hogan's contract is still set to expire on October 1st. 

Update On Battleground Card & Other Potential Matches, Damien Sandow Teases Money In The Bank Cash In!

- As seen last night on RAW CM Punk VS. Ryback was added to the upcoming Battleground PPV in a couple of weeks. With the already confirmed Rob Van Dam VS. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship and Daniel Bryan VS. Randy Orton for the vacate WWE Championship.

- A stipulation is speculated to be added to all 3 matches with the rumored Iron Man match being the one added to Bryan/Orton while it is unknown with ones would be for Punk/Ryback and Rio/RVD. It was originally discussed a last man standing match would take place between Punk & Ryback but that appears to be off the table now.

- As far as other matches are concerned if the iron man match does indeed happen expect the card to stop at around 5 matches and one match that will surely happen is The Shield VS. The Rhodes as seen on RAW last night both Cody & Goldust attacked the Shield from the crowd which is setting up a match at Battleground and if they win Cody would get his old job back (no word on Goldust) but it is believed he has at least signed a short term contract for the time being. As far as Dusty goes it looks like it won't be wrestling but the Rhodes will instead get a partner of some sort maybe Dolph Ziggler at this point.

- As far as the 5th match goes either a Diva's championship match has been discussed or even the highly speculated Big Show VS. Triple H it all depends on whether Big Show is 100% there is a reason why he has not wrestled on the past RAW's and when he has they have been short matches. It is likely the Diva's match would take place over HHH/Big Show. With Hell in a Cell likely to be one of the bigger shows this year.

- Damien Sandow recently teased cashing in his Money in the bank contract on a interview saying...

"I'm not going to say that it is going to be tonight, but I'm not going to say that it's not going to be tonight," Sandow answered, when asked when he'll cash in the briefcase. "It could be, the only way to find out is to get your tickets and you can witness history."

Monday, September 23, 2013

WWE RAW Results 9/23/13!

- Tonight's RAW is live from Chicago, Illinois...

- Rob Van Dam, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Prime Time Players, Kofi Kingston, The Usos, Justin Gabriel & Zack Ryder are all standing at the top of the entrance ramp... The Shield is standing guard at ringside when Triple H's music hits he comes out with Stephanie and gets in the ring talking about what happened last week and says I bet all of you are worried for your jobs or getting suspended when Stephanie takes over and says actually all we want to do is say thank you! thank you for standing up and being real men! RVD gets on the mic and says they were fighting for Daniel Bryan because he got screwed and they would do the same to them. Triple H fires back and says he never knew anyone that fought for someone trying to earn something he had countless opportunities on already... he only knew people that went after the WWE championship! but tonight the first ever 11-3 handicap tag team elimination match will take place in the main event! Stephanie says they all have built up frustration towards the Shield and tonight they get to take it out on them. And there partner will be Daniel Bryan! and tonight Randy Orton will face whoever the WWE Universe picks via the WWE app.

Match #1
Alberto Del Rio Def. Kofi Kingston via cross armbreaker

- Backstage Miz is being interviewed when Triple H walks up and asks him how he is doing and says he can not let him anywhere near Randy Orton tonight due to his condition... however, tonight I see MizTV featuring The Big Show!...

- They show what happened last week between Dusty Rhodes & Big Show as well as Goldust/Orton a few weeks back as well as Cody/Orton.

Match #2
Erick Rowan & Luke Harper Def. Prime Time Players

- After the match Bray Wyatt hit sister Abigail on Darren Young and posed...

- The Miz is in the ring and cuts a promo saying how pissed off he is and humiliated he was last week in front of his family and how he had to seek medical attention thanks to Orton... He then says I wasn't the only one seeking medical attention and they show the Dusty Rhodes/Big Show footage again. He brings out Big Show who says nothing. Miz goes on to say he knows Big Show for almost a decade now so why would he do such a thing to a legend like Dusty Rhodes. He goes on to say the locker room respects him and he should know by now what Triple H & Stephanie are trying to do to the WWE locker room he tells Big Show he should STEP UP! until he is interrupted by Stephanie... she comes out and talks ugly to The Miz saying he hit his peak to early and now amounts to nothing. All WWE need Miz for is promotional work... she tells Big Show to knock him out after Miz tells her to stick it up her ass and he does it without hesitation this time around and immediately walks out the ring while Stephanie is smiling...

Match #3
Double countout between Rob Van Dam VS. Randy Orton 

- Orton continued to attack RVD outside the ring ignoring the referee and threw him into the steel steps twice... Orton then throws RVD into the announcer booth. He then drags RVD into the ring and nails the DDT off the top rope leaving RVD helpless.

- WWE 2K14 hype video is shown...

- Randy Orton approaches The Bella Twins backstage and warns Brie that what he did to RVD is just a taste a sample of what is to come for Daniel Bryan at Battleground and she is going to see what a real man is like a true face of the company and walks away...

- Video for Triple H's new "Thy Kingdom Come" DVD is shown...

- AJ Lee approaches Stephanie backstage and demands out of her tag team match tonight as she knows she will be turned on... Stephanie gets in her face and says she will compete or maybe she won't be diva's champion for much longer. She also gives her a copy of the new Triple H DVD telling watch the wedding it's what a real wedding is like AJ!

Match #4
Fandango Def. Santino Marella via top rope legdrop

- CM Punk is out to a enormous reaction from the crowd... he gets on the mic and says he feels he let everyone down he says he feels like he doesn't even deserve to say he is from Chicago... he goes on to talk about the Chicago Blackhawks/Detroit Red Wings NHL championship game how the Blackhawks were down but they kept coming and coming. He says "god damn it" live on the air showing his passion for the crowd and getting his hands on Paul Heyman once again. He says he wants to fight no matter if it's Axel or Ryback or and he is interrupted by Paul Heyman in a motorized wheel chair... Heyman comes out singing and Punk threatens Heyman until Heyman fires back saying no matter what you do or say it will always read that PAUL HEYMAN DEFEATED CM PUNK! not to mention with both hands tied behind my back! CM Punk asks how long it would take for his 2 goons to get out here and save him from another beat down that would be worse than at Night of Champions... Heyman tells everyone goodbye and his wheelchair isn't working Heyman throws a fit while Punk runs towards him until both Axel & Ryback attack from both sides laying Punk out... Punk then fights back laying out Axel after throwing him into the RAW sign on the side. Punk then dives onto Ryback off the stage. But it proves to be to much as Axel recovers and Ryback lays Punk out throwing him into the side sign off the ramp. Heyman then walks off his wheel chair and jumps around acting all happy as Ryback gets on the mic and says "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO A BULLY!"...

- CM Punk is shown refusing medical attention while the diva's come out...

Match #5
Bella Twins, Naomi, Cameron & Natalya Def. AJ, Tamina, Layla, Aksana & Alicia Fox

- After being attacked by all the total divas Tamina carries AJ back to the back...

- The Shield cut a promo about how they are not worried tonight... because they have dominated and re-invented the business ever since they got there... we are not the hunted we are the hunters! believe in the Shield!

Match #6
Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, The Usos, R-Truth, Prime Time Players, Rob Van Dam, Zack Ryder, Kofi Kingston & Justin Gabriel Def. The Shield

- It came down to Seth Rollins VS. Bryan, Ziggler & The Usos in the end... Reigns & Ambrose tried interfering but they were prepared they all took care of them while Bryan pinned Rollins for the win... he celebrated to end the show.

WWE RAW News For Tonight!

- Tonight's RAW will be live from Chicago, Illinois known for being one of the best live crowds for WWE... Triple H has hyped tonight's RAW on Twitter saying "Chicago tonight... one of the all time best WWE cities."

- Confirmed for tonight's show is the official full roster reveal for WWE 2K14 which he unveiled throughout the show from what I understand... also confirmed is the return of CM Punk to his hometown after the defeat he suffered from Paul Heyman and Ryback at Night of Champions. WWE is also hyping the following "Is a rebellion from WWE superstars imminent?", "What is next for a more deadlier Viper Randy Orton?" & "Will RVD seek retribution?".

- Rumored for tonight's show is a furthering of the Rhodes family storyline with possibly featuring the return of Goldust in some way shape or form, whether it be a invasion angle or some kind of revenge plot against the Triple H regime. Vignettes for Rey Mysterios full time return are rumored to also be airing tonight. Also Los Matadores debuting tonight has been discussed but no decision has been yet as of now they are backstage at RAW in case they decide to go forward with it.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Goldust Signs Short Term WWE Deal?!? Returning On RAW? & Corrected Speculation On Rob Van Dam & WWE!

- There is speculation that Dustin Runnels (Goldust) has signed a new short term contract with WWE which is a performer's contract. Many have been paying attention to the Twitter words from Goldust and some even speculate that he may even appear on RAW tomorrow night to further the Triple H regime/Rhodes family saga. Like previously reported as of right now a six man match is planned for the upcoming Battleground PPV with the Rhodes Family against The Shield.

- There has been speculation that Rob Van Dam's contract is expiring after the Battleground PPV... this is not the case, RVD signed a long term contract with WWE earlier this year. He has a clause in his contract which allows him 90 days off to rest his body due to his age and traveling. Battleground or Hell in a Cell will be his write off show but he will return likely in time for the 2014 Royal Rumble.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Plans For Ryback If His Run With Paul Heyman Fails!, Update On Dixie Carter's Promo From iMPACT! & Matt Morgan Not Coming To WWE?!?

- Many backstage are hoping Ryback's run with Paul Heyman is successful this is considered a last effort in making his heel run work. Thus far if things do not work out and Ryback still does not get over properly the plan is to turn Ryback into a babyface again and attempt to regain what he had in late 2012 going into Wrestlemania XXIX this year. Many think Ryback's heel turn was a mistake right from the beginning but now since Heyman is involved things may very well change.

- There was a bit of confusion at last night's iMPACT! in which AJ Styles cut the "worked shoot" promo and Dixie Carter so called "McMahoned it up" in what many are calling a direct copy of WWE's power storyline with the Triple H regime and the classic Vince McMahon heel character that Dixie was trying to culminate last night. Some fans thought it was okay some thought it was absolute garbage with most backstage thinking it was absolute garbage with many not understanding why "they are going there" in attempting to make Dixie a on screen heel character. The ratings dropped at last night's show.

- Earlier in the year when he left TNA, it was reported that Matt Morgan had a good chance in returning to the WWE... some even rumored he might be one of the new Paul Heyman guys coming in. But, now there seems to be a sudden lack of interest from WWE in signing Morgan and it was also reported that there is a chance he could return to TNA shortly.

Sunny Lies About Theft! Craving Attention?, Kevin Nash Discusses TNA! & WWE 2K14 News!

- WWE Hall of famer (kind of a shame we have to call her that these days) recently posted on Facebook stating that her mugging at the WaWa gas station where someone stole her purse was fake... she admitted that it was all just to see if "it would be reported online by the dirt sheet losers" well it was and now she is claiming to have a field day with all the writers out there and having "a win" so to speak here is what she had to say...

"Soooooo my plan worked!! Every time I put a status on facebook, every wrestling website writer copies it and posts it as their status!! WELL, I guess I got the best of them this time! For the past two days Ive been making up the craziest crap, just to see if they post it as factual news, without checking the facts first!! And yep! They did! Isnt it sad that these "journalists" have no real skills for actual reporting other than copying bogus social media status updates!! Reminds me of a couple years ago, when I said "one of the TNA knockouts was expecting"..remember that??? Yep, I made that one up too to see if they'd run with it... So FANS, Im sorry i had to include you all on this charade, but I DIDNT get mugged, NOR am I adopting a child from Cambodia. And WRITERS, maybe you'll think twice before you copy my statuses just makes you look gullible and STUPID that you jump on things BELIEVING you have the newest BIG SCOOP, when in actuality, you have nonsense that just makes you look pathetic...... SOOO, stop whacking off, get out of Mommy's basement, and get a REAL JOB!!! AND FOR ONCE, GIVE US PERFORMERS OUR PRIVACY!!!! HAHAHAHAAH! Ohhhh that was fun!" 

My Thoughts: Sunny you are a sad woman... I even once respected you back in the heyday's but now it's just sad to even look at you or read what you say. You claim you were out there to prove "shitty journalists" post anything and everything when the real truth is that you LOVE attention and absolutely crave it nothing else. Posting fake shit like being mugged is something a teenager would do and obviously is a cry for yet again more help... seek it.

- Kevin Nash posted about watching last night's iMPACT! and had this to say about the product...

"Watching TNA why would you ever cut Velvet Sky out of a shot? I didnt hear a word Chris said after see was out of frame.TNA watch 16-35 ads

"So unbelievable the TNA talent aren't told to work the non populated hard camera

"TNA is out of cash and being on the road doesn't get to slide payments for up to 4 months to show a profit as they did at Universal.

"Anderson and Mickey James are up bet you don't see them to after the first of the year.The dudes are playing on the deck.Enjoy the music

"Nothing to buy.

"TNA had it's highest ratings when Jeff was in charge. Steady decline except for the loaded Hogan live show.

"I'm not interested in wrestling besides the occasional indy witch is fun and no politics."

- The final batch of Wrestlemania matches in "Universe Era" were revealed today for the last part of "30 year's of Wrestlemania" and they are...

John Cena VS. Big Show VS. Edge- Wrestlemania 25
Triple H VS. Randy Orton Wrestlemania 25
Chris Jericho VS. Edge Wrestlemania XXVI
John Cena VS. Batista Wrestlemania XXVI
Undertaker VS. Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania XXVI
Alberto Del Rio VS. Edge Wrestlemania XXVII
The Miz VS. John Cena Wrestlemania XXVII
Triple H VS. Undertaker Wrestlemania XXVIII
The Rock VS. John Cena Wrestlemania XXVIII
Chris Jericho VS. CM Punk Wrestlemania XXVIII
The Rock VS. John Cena Wrestlemania XXIX
Undertaker VS. CM Punk Wrestlemania XXIX
Brock Lesnar VS. Triple H Wrestlemania XXIX

- I will post screenshots shortly on the WWE 2K14 page...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

*MAJOR NEWS* Huge Update On WWE Wanting Steve Austin, Sting & Hulk Hogan For Wrestlemania XXX!

- WWE creative and Vince McMahon really want next year's landmark 30th Wrestlemania to be very memorable and special. WWE has been told from Vince himself to make plans for a Steve Austin return sometime in January or February of 2014. Vince remains confident that while Austin will never fully say whether he will wrestle or not that he can persuade Austin into the current Triple H regime storyline, this becoming Triple H's opponent at Wrestlemania XXX representing Vince McMahon while Stephanie would be with Triple H. Vince had originally tapped The Rock to take the role but it really looks as if his schedule will not allow him to appear at the big event at all and if he does wrestling is most likely out of the question. More on Austin as I get it.

- As many of you know Sting's TNA contract expires in December this year... the way it always goes is that he resigns for another year every year at the end of the year. Word backstage within many in TNA are talks of Sting finally taking a deal with WWE to work Wrestlemania XXX next year while he hasn't 100% made up his mind yet, things in TNA have gone from bad to worse over the past couple months and he has shown some displeasure within the company. As far as WWE goes there were reasons he and Hogan's name were mentioned at Night of Champions in the championship polls. WWE especially Triple H want Sting to come in and work at least 2-3 big matches including a hall of fame induction.

-- Lastly we have Hulk Hogan who's contract expires in just a couple of weeks in TNA... Hogan himself has said publicly he has been unhappy as of late with late payments, creative development, Dixie Carter avoiding him and them firing Brooke Hogan without even talking with him first. Hogan has expressed interest in returning to the WWE and knows that Wrestlemania XXX would be a landmark way to do it. As far as wrestling goes it is 50/50 chance at this point as Hogan claims he could work some kind of big tag team match but a singles match would be out of the question. As far as WWE goes they seem to have interest in Hogan as well with Vince McMahon always knowing he can draw and bring in some more crowds. The next couple of weeks should be very interesting as far as Hulk Hogan's career path goes whether some kind of sudden deal with TNA can be worked out or if he officially walks out the door and returns to his home in WWE. As far as using Hogan at Wrestlemania XXX word has it that either he would be used as a special referee in the Austin/HHH match or wrestle a tag team match teaming with John Cena to take on The Shield or something of the sort. Other matches being discussed are Sting VS. Undertaker (if Sting signs with WWE) if not the back up plan is Brock Lesnar VS. Undertaker and they also want to feature both Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton in strong matches as well.

Iron Man Match At Battleground?!?, Michelle McCool Returning? & William Regal To Take Over JR's Duties?

- There is a lot of talk of making the WWE Championship match between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton a 60 minute ironman match at Battleground. WWE is wanting to have another indecisive finish leading to a hell in a cell match between the two in there final encounter. Rob Van Dam VS. Alberto Del Rio will also likely get a stipulation.

- There has been a lot of talk of former diva's champion Michelle McCool returning to WWE in the very near future. She has been training at the WWE performance center and several fans noted that she looked better than ever before even in her previous WWE run... McCool later admitted that she was interested in a Wrestlemania XXX match.

- Since Jim Ross is now retired it looks as if William Regal will take over his duties in NXT working with talents and scouting talent as well.

When Will Triple H Wrestle Again?, Sunny's Purse Stolen!, Who Kevin Nash Would Like To Be Inducted Into The Hall Of Fame With! & WWE 2K14 Update!

- As reported earlier Triple H was scheduled to wrestle 2-3 more times before this year's end... however plans may have changed as he was scheduled to face either Cody Rhodes or the Big Show at Battleground and with recent creative changes looking to be a six man tag team match, those matches look to be off the books now. However, Triple H is still scheduled to wrestle at some point before the year's end which could be saved up for Hell in a Cell or even Survivor Series in a big team match.

- Sunny revealed that her purse was stolen at a WaWa gas station around 1 A.M. last night and had to have someone watch her vehicle while she filled out a police report... she also reported to be upset with the IWC as she wrote this on her page...

" let me get this straight....I write a joke status about "what I look for in a boyfriend" and it makes Worldwide wrestling website headlines.....I put a post up last night about being MUGGED, a serious matter worthy of a headline, and I find it NOWHERE on ANY website.....HMMMMMMMM. Dontcha think these so-called JOURNALISTS should get their priorities straight and leave my love life alone????" 

- Kevin Nash revealed at a comic con event that he thinks he and Scott Hall should be inducted together into the WWE Hall of fame but would also settle for the original 3 nWo members to go in all at once as well. He said that there was no talk of them being inducted next year as of now.

- Today the "Ruthless Aggression" matches were revealed for the "30 year's of Wrestlemania" mode in WWE 2K14... If you head on over to the WWE 2K14 tab I have updated the official match listing and will be adding screenshots of them... tomorrow the final "Universe Era" matches will be revealed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hulk Hogan's TNA Contract Expires October 1st! He Isn't Happy, A WWE Return Looking More Likely?!? & Why Paul Heyman Was Put With Ryback!

- Hulk Hogan's TNA contract is set to expire on October 1st... word is no negotiations have taken place and Hogan has not been happy with TNA for a while now... not to mention Dixie Carter has made herself more distant and difficult to work with. If a deal can't be reached many expect Hogan to pack it up and head back home to the WWE where he could possibly have a big role at Wrestlemania XXX.

- Many were wondering why Ryback was paired with Paul Heyman at Night of Champions... Many within WWE felt that Ryback wasn't getting over and was being looked at as more of a joke than being taken seriously. Vince McMahon ultimately made the decision to pair up the two after consulting Heyman about it. They all felt it would benefit Ryback having a mouth piece like Heyman.

Update On Rey Mysterio's Return!, CM Punk Working Hurt Again? & Dusty Rhodes Wrestling At Battleground?

- Currently Rey Mysterio is listed for Saturday's live event in Hidalgo, Texas but is being billed as "one night only"... Rey is supposed to return full time in October to feud with Alberto Del Rio over the World Heavyweight Championship and "who is the biggest latino star in wrestling."

- CM Punk is currently injured with several nagging injuries which is why he hasn't been featured in any RAW matches recently aside from the Curtis Axel match. Punk is being given a couple weeks off after the spear threw the table from Ryback at Night of Champions... He is supposed to wrestle Ryback at Battleground.

- There are discussions of using Dusty Rhodes in a match at Battleground... it would be The Shield VS. The Rhodes family Cody, Goldust & Dusty. WWE are hesitant to use Dusty in the ring though but word is a six man match is pretty much a lock whether Dusty will be used or not is unknown he could be replaced with someone like Big Show while Goldust & Cody still work the show and if they win Cody gets his job back with WWE.

Rob Van Dam Taking Time Off In October?!? & Sunny Reveals What She Is Looking For In A New Man!

- Rob Van Dam will be taking time off either after Battleground or Hell In A Cell next month... RVD has it in his contract where he works for 90 days then takes a leave of absence to rest his body then comes back to work for another 90 days. No word on a return date but the 2014 Royal Rumble wouldn't be surprising.

- Recently Sunny posted on Facebook what she is looking for in a new man in her life this is what she had to say...

"Ok so HERE is what I'm looking for in a guy: be gainfully employed so that you can pick up AT LEAST half of the dinner bills... Have your OWN HOME OR CONDO, so that we don't have to worry about waking your family up as we are going downstairs to the basement/your secure enough with yourself to not have to question me when my male best friend calls, texts, or tells me he loves me.... Be at least of average good looks (pretty boys need not apply, I like my men rugged, but please look in a mirror before thinking about asking me out) ... Must have clean, working vehicle... Must have GOOD TEETH (it's what tells if you take care of yourself or not)... Be SINGLE (not separated, dating around, etc). Understand I work around mostly men, doesn't mean banging them all.... Is this really too much to ask???" 

Monday, September 16, 2013

WWE RAW Results 9-16-13!

- Tonight's RAW is live from Cleveland, Ohio...

- We get a recap of what happened last night at Night of Champions between Ryback, CM Punk & Paul Heyman... then a recap of Daniel Bryan becoming new WWE Champion.

- Daniel Bryan comes out to a enormous pop and "YES!" chants... Bryan gets in the ring and the crowd won't stop chanting "Daniel Bryan" and "YES!" he says the crowd is awesome and begins a "YES!" chant until Triple H interrupts and walks quickly down to the ring... Triple H immediately says don't get to excited Daniel or over congratulate yourself just yet, I want to address the gorilla in the room and that's the fast count from last night which gets immediate boos... Triple H brings out Scott Armstrong and compares his normal count to last nights fast count via video comparison and demands a explanation on what happened. Scott claims he made a simple mistake but Triple H says a mistake? that's it? there is something your not telling me... Scott leans over and whispers something to Bryan along the lines of "They got us Daniel" and Triple H yells out WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!? they got us Daniel? okay fine you can leave I'll deal with you later... Bryan is livid and acts surprised that Scott said that. Triple H immediately vacates the WWE title saying Daniel Bryan is officially no longer WWE Champion and if he doesn't give it up he will take it from him... Randy Orton comes out and Triple H tells him to calm down he will deal with this. Triple H says one more time YOU ARE NO LONGER WWE CHAMPION DANIEL BRYAN! GIVE IT TO ME OR I WILL TAKE IT FROM YOU!!... the crowd is livid and Bryan shouts "NO!" Triple H grabs the belt while Orton nails an RKO. Triple H takes the title and walks off quickly while Orton stands over Bryan to boos.

- Backstage Orton immediately confronts Triple H saying WHERE'S MY TITLE! and Stephanie gets in his face saying HEY! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO?!? she goes on to say what happened to the Orton of old? what happened to the Orton who handcuffed my husband and gave me a DDT while he watched?!? that's the kind of Champion we are looking for... until then we might have to find a new face of WWE and they both walk off while Orton shakes his head in anger...

Match #1
Dolph Ziggler Def. Dean Ambrose via ZigZag in a really good match

- Backstage Big Show is with Brad Maddox awaiting the arrival of Triple H & Stephanie... they arrive and Maddox tells Triple H he agrees with him vacating the WWE title he says thank you and tells Maddox to book Daniel Bryan against The Shield's powerhouse Roman Reigns tonight, he says it's a done deal. Maddox then tells Stephanie Dusty Rhodes has arrived she says thanks and he leaves the room... Stephanie then gets in Big Shows face and says he was suspended without pay on Smackdown! she says she hoped it hurt him. She says tonight you will stay out of trouble and sit down in this room and not move unless I call you and tell you to do something! he says yes Mrs. McMahon and she says good and leaves the room...

- They hype tonight's segment with Ryback & Paul Heyman...

Match #2
Fandango Def. R-Truth via top rope Legdrop

- Dusty Rhodes is shown backstage mingling with superstars apparently his segment is next...

- They hype Triple H's new DVD "Thy Kingdom Come" which comes out next Tuesday...

- Dusty Rhodes comes out to a loud pop... he gets on the mic and cuts a fantastic promo about family and children and what's it's like to be a parent... he disses the WWE's decision to fire Cody and humiliate Dustin. He says he understands there is a business proposition from Stephanie McMahon or Levesque or whatever you wanna be called so let's cut the crap and get to it... Stephanie walks out to loud boos she gets on the mic and says WOW! classic Virgil Runnels! that was great talk... Dusty says let's cut the crap and get down to business but first Stephanie says she has a present for Cody for the wedding and gives it to Dusty... he opens it and says Bed, Bath & Beyond?!? and throws it in the crowd... Stephanie goes off so that's how it's going to be and Dusty says YEA!! and Stephanie says fine her proposition is either to give a job to Cody or Dustin it's his choice... he walks around the ring and says he won't make that decision! he wants to ask her a question but she interrupts him and he gets in her face yelling DO NOT INTERRUPT ME!! he asks her if she compares her 3 daughters like she is trying to make him do with his 2 sons. Stephanie turns the tables and says IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU VIRGIL! are you going to make a decision or not?!? he tells Stephanie to GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!!... she say's fine and out come The Shield and surround the ring she then asks for help from Big Show and he comes down to the ring. She says to Dustin either you pick Big Show to knock you out or Shield to tear you a part limb from limb... he still won't make a decision! so she makes it for him and tells Big Show to knock him out! Big Show refuses and Stephanie says fine Shield GET EM! they all get in the ring and Big Show threatens them NOT TO TOUCH HIM! he walks up to Dusty hugs him and says sorry but he has to do this and nails the WMD on Dusty and catches him laying him down on the mat while Stephanie has a sick smile on her face. They all leave except for Big Show as the medics attend to Dusty.

- They recap what just happened between Big Show & Dusty... backstage Dusty is being rushed into an ambulance while Big Show gets in with him while talent like Booker T & Prime Time Players look worried.

Match #3
Brie Bella, Naomi & Cameron Def. Aksana, Layla & Alicia Fox

- Natalya & AJ were at commentary being annoying and after the match Natalya got in AJ's face as she held up the Diva's title.

- They show The Miz backstage with Brad Maddox talking about something while Lawler says the Cleveland native will be in action tonight...

- They recap what happened again with Big Show & Dusty Rhodes...

Match #4
Rob Van Dam Def. Damien Sandow via Five Star Frog Splash

- Backstage Triple H is shown thinking until Scott Armstrong comes in the room... Triple H says Scott all this has gotten out of hand with the fast count now we have no WWE Champion and we just can't have things like this happening... I am going to offer you a great severance package and Scott says severance package? and Triple H says yea I gotta let you go sorry Scott... Scott says but Hunter! and Triple H says Scott don't fight it I'll take good care of you but I gotta let you go you are fired. Scott walks away depressed.

Match #5
Double countout between The Miz & Randy Orton

- Orton attacked Miz while he was greeting his parents at ringside and threw him into the steel steps... Miz wanted to fight after wards but Orton got the better hand eventually DDTing Miz off the barricade in front of his parents. Orton then threw Miz into the ring and put a steel chair over his head and nailed a jumping knee drop on Miz. The medic crew came out to attend to Miz while Orton looked to be in a daze trying to prove he still "had it".

- Curtis Axel rolls out Paul Heyman in a wheel chair while Ryback is standing by his side... Heyman gets on the mic and brags about his victory at Night of Champions and how he pinned CM Punk for the win. Everyone thought he was down and out yet it will go down in the history books that Paul Heyman defeated CM Punk. He says so what was the master plan you ask?!? THERE WAS NONE! it was all because ONE MAN decided to take the initiative to change his path in WWE and took it upon himself to put CM Punk in his place and that man is this beautiful big man RYBACK!!... Ryback gets on the mic and says CM Punk is a bully and he dislikes everything that CM Punk stands for. Ryback gets on his knees and promises his allegiance to Heyman saying he will never EVER have to worry about CM Punk again! Heyman smiles and kisses Ryback on the cheek to which Ryback smiles as the crowd boos as he rolls Heyman back to the back.

- They hype Bryan/Reigns for tonight...

- Los Matadores promo is shown...

Match #6
#1 Contenders Tag Team Elimination Match
The Usos Win By Last Eliminating The Real Americans

- Tons of Funk were eliminated by the Real Americans early on and it came down to Usos VS. Real Americans... looks like Usos will get the tag title shot.

- They say Dusty is conscious but the hospital is keeping him under observation...

- They hype Reigns/Bryan again...

- Wyatt Family promo with Bray talking patience is a virtue yet people want more and more of everything! he says the world is full of animals just like ours but we don't let them suffer if one of our own suffers we put em down! he then goes on to say don't worry Abigail I will put em all down! and it ends...

- They recap what happened with Big Show & Dusty again...

- Backstage Daniel Bryan is seen walking preparing for his match next while talents come up to him wishing him luck Brie hugs him and RVD yells out "YES!"...

Match #7
Daniel Bryan Def. Roman Reigns via DQ in the match of the night

- Randy Orton gets involved when Bryan is closing in on the win... they all attack Orton and lay him out as Orton takes out a steel chair and is about to do the same to Bryan as he did to The Miz earlier... but RVD, Ziggler, Prime Time Players, Kofi, The Usos come out and clear house preventing it as Orton runs away to leave The Shield to get beaten down. They throw Reigns & Ambrose out the ring and Bryan nails the running knee to Rollins sending him out. They all celebrate as Prime Time Players lift up Bryan on their shoulders to end the show!

Best Match: Daniel Bryan VS. Roman Reigns
Best Segment: Dusty Rhodes/Stephanie McMahon/Big Show
Overall Rating: A

The Site Will Be Back With News & Updates Tomorrow!

Hey guys I know it's been about a week but I have had a lot to do including jury duty (fun)... thanks for the support and I will be back tomorrow full time with HUGE news updates coming tomorrow and a new site update with all new facts, match, legend, poll the works.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown! Results 9-13-13!

- WWE Smackdown! is taped from Ottawa, Canada...

- Lilian Garcia comes out and sings O'Canada...

- Video highlights are shown of RAW of the whole Big Show/Daniel Bryan/Randy Orton fiasco they announce Big Show must apologize for not doing what he was told on RAW...

- Big Show opens the show to a big pop and "must apologize" he slowly begins to say he is sorry when Triple H interrupts to a loud "ASSHOLE" chant. Triple H says he let the WWE Universe down by not performing a simple task he was told to do and he let down the company. Triple H suspends Big Show for a night without pay. Big Show is pissed when The Shield suddenly attack Big Show but he fights them off at first until Reigns nails Show several times with a steel chair. They end up triple powerbombing him to end the segment. The crowd was said to be very hot in this opening segment.

- It is announced Michael Cole will interview Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman tonight...

Match #1
Alicia Fox, Aksana & Layla Def. Brie Bella, Natalya & Naomi via DQ

- AJ gets involved in the match attacking the total diva's but somehow the referee awards the match to Fox, Aksana & Layla in a botch to which the crowd responded "YOU FUCKED UP" to the ref. All of the diva's brawl after the match to which no one seemed to care.

- They announce Dean Ambrose will face Dolph Ziggler tonight...

- Apparently a dance contest is next between Fandango & R-Truth... The Miz interrupts wearing huge fake afro and enters the contest and out comes Great Khali as well to enter. The Miz is declared the winner to "BULLSHIT" chants and "THIS IS STUPID" chants from the crowd. Fandango is booted out of the ring pissed off calling this a disgrace to the art of dance.

- Backstage Ryback is with some local wrestler, he says he wishes he could have the chance to get into the ring with Ryback, Ryback smiles and slaps him really hard and says he dreams of beating people up like him and walks off laughing...

- Vickie Guerrero announces that Ricardo Rodriguez will not be in Rob Van Dam's corner at Night of Champions for his safety and for the match to be truly competitive... she gets so much heat from the crowd it is hard to understand her. She then announces that Ricardo will face Del Rio one on one later tonight to huge boos.

Match #2
Santino Marella Def. Damien Sandow via Cobra

- Santino gets a huge pop before the match Sandow cut a promo bashing Canadians before Santino came out...

- A great video package is shown of the CM Punk/Paul Heyman rivalry... Michael Cole's interview with them is next... Heyman claims he is a man of peace and never wanted this to happen and not a advocate of war. Axel says Punk can't beat him so he won't even have the pleasure of getting to Heyman. Heyman goes off on Punk saying he can't believe this is going to happen and tries to boycott the PPV saying if you watch Night of Champions you are going to see the slaughter of Paul Heyman... because no matter what Curtis Axel does somehow, someway Punk will get his hands on me. "CM PUNK" chants start to surround the building. Heyman starts to get emotional and says Night of Champions may very well be the last time we see him. Axel looks stunned as the segment ends.

Match #3
Alberto Del Rio Def. Ricardo Rodriguez via top rope reverse suplex

- Rio gets no reaction from the crowd at all but when Ricardo comes out the place gets going again... Rio applies the armbreaker on Ricardo after the match but RVD ends up making the save and nails a five star frog splash on Del Rio and holds up the World Heavyweight title to celebrate while helping Ricardo.

Match #4
Double DQ between Dean Ambrose & Dolph Ziggler

- The Shield & Usos get involved and Vickie makes a six man tag team match next...

Match #5
The Shield Def. Dolph Ziggler & The Usos

- The match was said to be really good and the ending had Rollins lift his knees up on the Usos finisher for the pin.

- The Cutting Edge is next... Edge gets a huge pop, Edge goes on to say what happened to Christian what ridiculous and this place has changed since he has been away for the worse. He tells Christian to tear the Shield a part when he is well again. Randy Orton interrupts and Edge asks Orton how does it feel to be a sell out? Orton says Edge is just jealous he is now a 10 time World Champion and just a talk show host now. Edge reminds Orton he is stupid because he is a 11 time World Champion. Daniel Bryan comes out to a huge pop after Edge says he knows what's best for business. Bryan gets on the mic and says it was never his dream to be the "Face" of WWE but only to be the deserving WWE champion. Bryan gets in Orton's face and says I WILL BEAT YOU at Night of Champions... Orton smiles and low blows Daniel Bryan to major heat... The crowd starts chanting "SPEAR!" as Edge looks on and acts like he wants to do something. Bryan suddenly recovers and gets the upper hand on Orton to which Edge leaves the ring Bryan makes Orton tap to the "Yes Lock" while Edge smiles and the crowd chants "YOU TAPPED OUT!" while Bryan stands over Orton holding the WWE title to close the show.

*SPOILERS* WWE Main Event Results 9-11-13!

- WWE Main Event is taped from Ottawa, Canada...

- They recap everything that happened at RAW between Goldust & Randy Orton as well as Daniel Bryan/Big Show & Randy Orton as well as Edge & Triple H.

Match #1
Kofi Kingston Def. Antonio Cesaro via SOS

- The match was said to be very good, Cesaro did another long 36 second leg airplane spin in the match...

Match #2
Prime Time Players Def. 3MB

- Crowd was said to be hot for Prime Time Players, Tons of Funk did commentary for the match...

Match #3
Big E Langston Def. R-Truth via Big Ending

- Crowd was said to boo R-Truth and actually got behind Langston for the match.

- They end with hyping Smackdown!

Edge & Christian News!, Photo Of Sunny In Bed With Fan! & Photo Of Trish Stratus 9 Months Pregnant!

- After last night's RAW angle with Edge returning and Christian being dragged down the ramp by The Shield from orders by Triple H is expected to continue at tonight's Smackdown! tapings. No word on exactly what will go down but we I post the Smackdown! spoilers as soon as available.

- This is just flat out creepy to me but anyways... Sunny posted this photo showing how "innocent" her photo shoots are with her fans in bed proving all her "haters" wrong in that she is being provocative and desperate. I hate to say it but this surely makes you look desperate Sunny.

- Here is Trish Stratus about ready to pop as she is now 9 months pregnant... she shared on Twitter "9 month baby bump".

Monday, September 9, 2013

WWE RAW Results 9-9-13!

- Tonight's RAW is live from Toronto, Canada...

- Edge comes out to a HUGE pop... he gets on the mic and says it's good to be home and welcome back to the cutting edge. He admits he was called by Triple H to be here tonight because "it was good for business". He wanted a reunion not with Christian but with rated RKO partner Randy Orton as the crowd boo majorly. Edge says no to that and he has a different guest in mind and out comes Daniel Bryan to HUGE "YES!" chants and a HUGE pop from the crowd. Edge & Bryan shake hands and Edge welcomes Bryan to the cutting edge and says he has been through a lot lately, Bryan says he has but it is all worthwhile with a audience like this! as the crowd goes nuts. Edge gives Bryan credit and wishes him luck in beating Orton for the WWE title at Night of Champions, he asks Bryan if he thinks he can beat Orton to which replies "YES!" Edge then asks do you think you can shove it in the mans face? to which he replies "YES!" and he asks if he can the new face of WWE when Randy Orton's music hits to loud boos. Orton gets on the mic and bashes Edge because of his neck injury and says to bad the only time he comes back that people care about him is in a place like Canada which receives tons of boos. Edge fires back at Orton saying it is funny that he is the face of WWE because right now he's acting like a totally different body part which receives laughs from the crowd. Edge then talks about Triple H has a good mind for the business but when it comes to judging talent he doesn't know a damn thing about it. He says he thought Jericho would never make it and Cena would never make it yet they have along with Edge. Triple H's music hits and he walks out with a mic and says to Edge it looks like you got something to say so say it to my face. Edge fires back saying he doesn't care because he isn't employed by WWE anymore so he doesn't have to hold his tongue like the others, he talks down Triple H's ability to judge talent. Triple H admits he was wrong about Cena and Jericho but he was right about Edge he takes a personal shot at the "Rated R" gimmick and said it was a commercial failure and he never drew a dime. Triple H says the only place your famous is well here in Canada. Edge says Triple H went from being a degenerate to a dictator but now he's just acting like a dick! Triple H yells out WHOA! buddy I know you feel safe in that ring and since you say I can't pick talent I'm gonna give Daniel Bryan a chance tonight one on one with U.S. champion Dean Ambrose with the Shield at ringside, while Bryan will have the world's largest athlete Big Show in his corner. Triple H then says now back to you Edge! since we can't touch you maybe we can touch and harm the people you love! The Shield bring out a mangled and beaten Christian and drag him on the ramp... Edge runs down to check on him and yells someone help as the segment ends.

- Backstage Edge runs up to Triple H saying he wishes he was medically cleared so he could kick Triple H's ass... Triple H says well you and me both know that won't happen he then gets pissed and says YOU COME TO MY SHOW! MY TOWN! thats right tonight Toronto is my town! YOU COME TO MY CITY MY HOME!! and get in my face?!? get out and don't come back! Edge says what happened to you? as he walks away slowly...

Match #1
Kofi Kingston Def. Curtis Axel via DQ

- Axel kept kneeing Kofi in the corner ignoring the referee to get DQ'ed... Heyman is pissed warning Axel that he can't do that at Night of Champions or Punk gets him alone. Axel goes on to attack Kofi some more and Kofi nails the Trouble in Paradise much to Heyman's surprise, Heyman looks worried as the segment ends.

- They hype Orton VS. Goldust tonight and show a package highlighting Goldust's career...

- Backstage Heyman is on the ground acting injured as you see water in the hallway... Axel helps him to the doctor's area as they want to check him out and he says no he has his own doctor and they leave him alone acting suspicious...

- They recap last weeks main event where Big Show was forced to knock out Daniel Bryan...

- Backstage Big Show is seen sitting in a chair looking depressed... Booker T walks up and talks to him about pride and he would have done the same thing last week. He tells Big Show don't think about past issues think about his family and think professionally. Big Show stands up and walks away...

- A Wyatt Family promo is shown they are coming up next...

Match #2
Bray Wyatt Def. Dolph Ziggler via sister abigail

- They hype Edge being on Smackdown!

- They hype Goldust VS. Orton again... they show more highlights of his career...

- Paul Heyman is shown walking to the ring on crutches with Curtis Axel and "his doctor"... Heyman gets on the mic and says he doesn't believe in the Canadian health care system, he says he is lucky enough to bring his own doctor on road trips. He says his doctor said he tore his meniscious or ACL pending a proper American MRI. He says he really wanted to face CM Punk at Night of Champions and apologizes to the fans. Now he is going back to America to get a proper diagnosis. Brad Maddox comes out with the main WWE doctor. Maddox says IF he is truly injured he HAS to be examined by the WWE doctor and then and only then he can be excused from Night of Champions... they bring a chair into the ring for Heyman the doctor pulls on Heymans leg and he acts like he is hurt. The crowd is chanting "THIS IS AWKWARD!" Maddox asks the doctor his diagnosis and he says he is fine! Heyman gets up and still acts hurt and yells at Maddox and the doctor. CM Punk runs out to a enormous pop with a kendo stick and attempts to attack Heyman but he suddenly is fine and runs away through the crowd along with Axel. Punk targets Heymans "doctor" he acts like he is going to let the "doctor" leave but beats him senseless with the kendo stick and ends with a headshot as the crowd goes nuts.

- They hype Ambrose VS. Bryan for later tonight...

Match #3
Brie Bella, Naomi & Natalya Def. Aksana, Alicia Fox & Layla

- AJ was at commentary during the match bashing the total diva's...

- They show another video highlighting Goldust...

Match #4
Alberto Del Rio Def. R-Truth via Cross Armbreaker (the match got no reaction at all)

- A promo is shown for Orton/Bryan at Night of Champions with the tagline "who is the future"?

- They announce in the pre-show a tag team turmoil will take place and the winner will face Reigns/Rollins for the tag team titles at Night Of Champions. The match will feature The Real Americans, 3MB, Prime Time Players, The Usos & Tons of Funk.

- Zeb Colter is in the ring bashing Canadians doing his usual bashing while Cesaro is at his side he bashes hockey and says please rise and say along WE THE PEOPLE! Santino Marella's music hits to a loud ovation.

Match #5
Santino Marella Def. Antonio Cesaro via surprise rollup

- During the match Antonio Cesaro did a AMAZING leg airplane spin on Marella which lasted forever... the crowd chanted HOLY SHIT! after wards.

- They hype Goldust/Orton again...

- They show the Be a star campaign and ad...

- Damien Sandow is in the ring and says soon when he cashes in his briefcase he will become the world champion and retain his thrown in WWE. But until then he is our uncrowned and The Miz interrupts...

Match #6
Damien Sandow Def. The Miz via rollup

- Fandango comes out and distracts the Miz dancing on stage allowing Sandow to pick up the win... Fandango gets on the mic on says it's FAAANDAAANGOOO!!

- Backstage Renee Young welcomes back Goldust to a HUGE pop... she asks him if he is prepared for Orton tonight. Goldust says yea, he then gets personal and says its no secret that I've been the screw up of the family! tonight Cody gets a second chance because I mean business! and after tonight Orton will NEVER forget the name of.... Triple H interrupts and says welcome back man, good luck I really hope you don't let the family name down again and walks away. Goldust VS. Randy Orton is up next.

- They recap Orton/Rhodes from last week...

Match #7
Randy Orton Def. Goldust via RKO in a great match

- After the match Orton gets on the mic standing over Goldust and says Goldust looks like your dream of saving your baby brothers career has been SHATTERED! just like Daniel Bryans chances of winning the WWE title will be shattered at Night of Champions.

- They hype Night of Champions in a video promo...

- Los Matadores promo is shown...

- Backstage Goldust is shown walking looking upset, Stephanie McMahon walks up and says Dustin I know your disappointed I know Cody is and his wife and your father. You let your whole family down how does it feel to be a loser? so why don't you go join your brother in the unemployment line. She finally says tell your father I said hello... Goldust just walks off.

Match #8
Rob Van Dam Def. Ryback via DQ

- Ryback got himself DQ'ed when he sent RVD balls first into the steel post outside the ring, Ryback continued to beat on RVD and hit the Shell Shocked on him. Del Rio cut a promo on RVD after wards.

- Backstage we see Stephanie walk up to Big Show and say he can't touch The Shield tonight or he is fired... he throws a TV set breaking it.

Match #9
Daniel Bryan Def. Dean Ambrose via rollup in a good match

- After the match it looks as if Bryan has the upper hand for once as he throws Ambrose onto the Shield but Orton comes out and they all attack Bryan while Show is forced to look on. Orton hits an RKO while pointing at Show... Show slowly walks away looking angry while Orton celebrates. Triple H comes out and says he wants him to do the same thing he did last week and thats knock Bryan out. Show walks back into the ring while Orton looks on he doesn't wanna do it... Orton gets in Show's face and says he will pick Bryan up for him and he does and yells DO IT! and Show continues to say no... Orton gets in his face again and says were gonna try this one more time! all of a sudden Bryan nails Orton with a knee to the face! and takes the WWE title and celebrates to end the show.