Monday, September 9, 2013

WWE RAW Results 9-9-13!

- Tonight's RAW is live from Toronto, Canada...

- Edge comes out to a HUGE pop... he gets on the mic and says it's good to be home and welcome back to the cutting edge. He admits he was called by Triple H to be here tonight because "it was good for business". He wanted a reunion not with Christian but with rated RKO partner Randy Orton as the crowd boo majorly. Edge says no to that and he has a different guest in mind and out comes Daniel Bryan to HUGE "YES!" chants and a HUGE pop from the crowd. Edge & Bryan shake hands and Edge welcomes Bryan to the cutting edge and says he has been through a lot lately, Bryan says he has but it is all worthwhile with a audience like this! as the crowd goes nuts. Edge gives Bryan credit and wishes him luck in beating Orton for the WWE title at Night of Champions, he asks Bryan if he thinks he can beat Orton to which replies "YES!" Edge then asks do you think you can shove it in the mans face? to which he replies "YES!" and he asks if he can the new face of WWE when Randy Orton's music hits to loud boos. Orton gets on the mic and bashes Edge because of his neck injury and says to bad the only time he comes back that people care about him is in a place like Canada which receives tons of boos. Edge fires back at Orton saying it is funny that he is the face of WWE because right now he's acting like a totally different body part which receives laughs from the crowd. Edge then talks about Triple H has a good mind for the business but when it comes to judging talent he doesn't know a damn thing about it. He says he thought Jericho would never make it and Cena would never make it yet they have along with Edge. Triple H's music hits and he walks out with a mic and says to Edge it looks like you got something to say so say it to my face. Edge fires back saying he doesn't care because he isn't employed by WWE anymore so he doesn't have to hold his tongue like the others, he talks down Triple H's ability to judge talent. Triple H admits he was wrong about Cena and Jericho but he was right about Edge he takes a personal shot at the "Rated R" gimmick and said it was a commercial failure and he never drew a dime. Triple H says the only place your famous is well here in Canada. Edge says Triple H went from being a degenerate to a dictator but now he's just acting like a dick! Triple H yells out WHOA! buddy I know you feel safe in that ring and since you say I can't pick talent I'm gonna give Daniel Bryan a chance tonight one on one with U.S. champion Dean Ambrose with the Shield at ringside, while Bryan will have the world's largest athlete Big Show in his corner. Triple H then says now back to you Edge! since we can't touch you maybe we can touch and harm the people you love! The Shield bring out a mangled and beaten Christian and drag him on the ramp... Edge runs down to check on him and yells someone help as the segment ends.

- Backstage Edge runs up to Triple H saying he wishes he was medically cleared so he could kick Triple H's ass... Triple H says well you and me both know that won't happen he then gets pissed and says YOU COME TO MY SHOW! MY TOWN! thats right tonight Toronto is my town! YOU COME TO MY CITY MY HOME!! and get in my face?!? get out and don't come back! Edge says what happened to you? as he walks away slowly...

Match #1
Kofi Kingston Def. Curtis Axel via DQ

- Axel kept kneeing Kofi in the corner ignoring the referee to get DQ'ed... Heyman is pissed warning Axel that he can't do that at Night of Champions or Punk gets him alone. Axel goes on to attack Kofi some more and Kofi nails the Trouble in Paradise much to Heyman's surprise, Heyman looks worried as the segment ends.

- They hype Orton VS. Goldust tonight and show a package highlighting Goldust's career...

- Backstage Heyman is on the ground acting injured as you see water in the hallway... Axel helps him to the doctor's area as they want to check him out and he says no he has his own doctor and they leave him alone acting suspicious...

- They recap last weeks main event where Big Show was forced to knock out Daniel Bryan...

- Backstage Big Show is seen sitting in a chair looking depressed... Booker T walks up and talks to him about pride and he would have done the same thing last week. He tells Big Show don't think about past issues think about his family and think professionally. Big Show stands up and walks away...

- A Wyatt Family promo is shown they are coming up next...

Match #2
Bray Wyatt Def. Dolph Ziggler via sister abigail

- They hype Edge being on Smackdown!

- They hype Goldust VS. Orton again... they show more highlights of his career...

- Paul Heyman is shown walking to the ring on crutches with Curtis Axel and "his doctor"... Heyman gets on the mic and says he doesn't believe in the Canadian health care system, he says he is lucky enough to bring his own doctor on road trips. He says his doctor said he tore his meniscious or ACL pending a proper American MRI. He says he really wanted to face CM Punk at Night of Champions and apologizes to the fans. Now he is going back to America to get a proper diagnosis. Brad Maddox comes out with the main WWE doctor. Maddox says IF he is truly injured he HAS to be examined by the WWE doctor and then and only then he can be excused from Night of Champions... they bring a chair into the ring for Heyman the doctor pulls on Heymans leg and he acts like he is hurt. The crowd is chanting "THIS IS AWKWARD!" Maddox asks the doctor his diagnosis and he says he is fine! Heyman gets up and still acts hurt and yells at Maddox and the doctor. CM Punk runs out to a enormous pop with a kendo stick and attempts to attack Heyman but he suddenly is fine and runs away through the crowd along with Axel. Punk targets Heymans "doctor" he acts like he is going to let the "doctor" leave but beats him senseless with the kendo stick and ends with a headshot as the crowd goes nuts.

- They hype Ambrose VS. Bryan for later tonight...

Match #3
Brie Bella, Naomi & Natalya Def. Aksana, Alicia Fox & Layla

- AJ was at commentary during the match bashing the total diva's...

- They show another video highlighting Goldust...

Match #4
Alberto Del Rio Def. R-Truth via Cross Armbreaker (the match got no reaction at all)

- A promo is shown for Orton/Bryan at Night of Champions with the tagline "who is the future"?

- They announce in the pre-show a tag team turmoil will take place and the winner will face Reigns/Rollins for the tag team titles at Night Of Champions. The match will feature The Real Americans, 3MB, Prime Time Players, The Usos & Tons of Funk.

- Zeb Colter is in the ring bashing Canadians doing his usual bashing while Cesaro is at his side he bashes hockey and says please rise and say along WE THE PEOPLE! Santino Marella's music hits to a loud ovation.

Match #5
Santino Marella Def. Antonio Cesaro via surprise rollup

- During the match Antonio Cesaro did a AMAZING leg airplane spin on Marella which lasted forever... the crowd chanted HOLY SHIT! after wards.

- They hype Goldust/Orton again...

- They show the Be a star campaign and ad...

- Damien Sandow is in the ring and says soon when he cashes in his briefcase he will become the world champion and retain his thrown in WWE. But until then he is our uncrowned and The Miz interrupts...

Match #6
Damien Sandow Def. The Miz via rollup

- Fandango comes out and distracts the Miz dancing on stage allowing Sandow to pick up the win... Fandango gets on the mic on says it's FAAANDAAANGOOO!!

- Backstage Renee Young welcomes back Goldust to a HUGE pop... she asks him if he is prepared for Orton tonight. Goldust says yea, he then gets personal and says its no secret that I've been the screw up of the family! tonight Cody gets a second chance because I mean business! and after tonight Orton will NEVER forget the name of.... Triple H interrupts and says welcome back man, good luck I really hope you don't let the family name down again and walks away. Goldust VS. Randy Orton is up next.

- They recap Orton/Rhodes from last week...

Match #7
Randy Orton Def. Goldust via RKO in a great match

- After the match Orton gets on the mic standing over Goldust and says Goldust looks like your dream of saving your baby brothers career has been SHATTERED! just like Daniel Bryans chances of winning the WWE title will be shattered at Night of Champions.

- They hype Night of Champions in a video promo...

- Los Matadores promo is shown...

- Backstage Goldust is shown walking looking upset, Stephanie McMahon walks up and says Dustin I know your disappointed I know Cody is and his wife and your father. You let your whole family down how does it feel to be a loser? so why don't you go join your brother in the unemployment line. She finally says tell your father I said hello... Goldust just walks off.

Match #8
Rob Van Dam Def. Ryback via DQ

- Ryback got himself DQ'ed when he sent RVD balls first into the steel post outside the ring, Ryback continued to beat on RVD and hit the Shell Shocked on him. Del Rio cut a promo on RVD after wards.

- Backstage we see Stephanie walk up to Big Show and say he can't touch The Shield tonight or he is fired... he throws a TV set breaking it.

Match #9
Daniel Bryan Def. Dean Ambrose via rollup in a good match

- After the match it looks as if Bryan has the upper hand for once as he throws Ambrose onto the Shield but Orton comes out and they all attack Bryan while Show is forced to look on. Orton hits an RKO while pointing at Show... Show slowly walks away looking angry while Orton celebrates. Triple H comes out and says he wants him to do the same thing he did last week and thats knock Bryan out. Show walks back into the ring while Orton looks on he doesn't wanna do it... Orton gets in Show's face and says he will pick Bryan up for him and he does and yells DO IT! and Show continues to say no... Orton gets in his face again and says were gonna try this one more time! all of a sudden Bryan nails Orton with a knee to the face! and takes the WWE title and celebrates to end the show.

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