Friday, September 6, 2013

Kurt Angle Released From Rehab! & Raven Talks About WWE Creative!

- Kurt Angle was officially released from rehab Wednesday morning, There is no word on how he is currently doing/feeling or when he will be back on the road with TNA but he is booked for a special appearance for Team 3Ds wrestling academy event "Hope for a Single Mom" charity.

- Former ECW, WCW, WWE & TNA star Raven recently sat down and discussed the creative side of certain companies and pointed out WWE's the most as being on the negative side at least when it came to using him here is what he had to say...

"I got there, I was excited because it was something new and fresh for me finally! they had originally told me I was going to be in the running for the mid-card belt (The Intercontinental title) which never happened. Ultimately, they had no fucking clue how to use me that's what it came down to. ECW & WCW knew how to use my character the most and they did a damn good job to tell you the truth. I was a ECW World Champion on multiple occasions, I won the WCW U.S. title belt and hell even in TNA I won there World Heavyweight title belt. What did I win in the WWE? The "hardcore" title what 20 something fucking times?!? I mean I'm not trying to say I was a title guy because I never was that's not who my character was ever. But to get somewhere and be excited about potentially finally getting a belt that meant something (at the time) and not being a scapegoat for someone made me feel good and the WWE pisshead creative staff took it away from me. They tried me solo, they tried to put me with a diva and none of it worked out and hell I remember some damn good matches I had in the WWE to. In the end, nothing against WWE in general but that creative staff at least what they had back then were only concentrated on the main event guys NOTHING else! if you were going to survive you had to bring up your own shit and I tried and no one listened and that was my WWE career."

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