Tuesday, September 3, 2013

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown! Results 9-6-13!

- Smackdown! is taped from Minneapolis, Minnesota...

- Triple H kicks off the show and is holding a "town meeting" all the superstars are up on the ramp while The Shield stands guard outside the ring. Triple H also has Vickie Guerrero & Brad Maddox with him, he claims he wants all the superstars to vent there problems and ask any question they want to ask. At first no one says anything and he goes on about firing Cody Rhodes on RAW and what is best for business, Damien Sandow says he supports Triple H and what he did to Cody. Triple H stated in classic Vince McMahon style "Cody fired Cody". Kofi Kingston then suddenly speaks up and says everyone is afraid in the locker room about losing there jobs and that's bad for business. Triple H defended his actions claiming that everyones egos were getting out of control so something needed to be done to show who is really in charge in the WWE. Heath Slater tries to say something but Triple H makes fun of him and jokes about him. Rob Van Dam then speaks up and says Cody getting fired wasn't cool or good for business dude! this makes Triple H angry but before he could say anything Ryback suddenly chimes in and says he doesn't like being called a bully. Triple H begins to set the matches for tonight judging from what he has just heard... Rob Van Dam will go one on one with the face of the WWE Randy Orton!... Ryback will have a rematch against Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston gets to battle it out with Curtis Axel! and the WWE Universe will get to decide which member of The Shield Daniel Bryan will face in the main event and Rob Van Dam's match is next! Triple H introduces Randy Orton in grand fashion and leaves the ring...

Match #1
Randy Orton Def. Rob Van Dam

- After the match Alberto Del Rio attacks RVD and celebrates with the title...

- Dean Ambrose comes out for commentary for the next match...

Match #2
Ryback Def. Dolph Ziggler after Ambrose interferes helping Ryback secure the victory

Match #3
Kofi Kingston Def. Curtis Axel

- Axel got a huge pop from the crowd and "welcome home" chants...

- Backstage Renee Young is talking to Paul Heyman and Heyman cuts a promo on CM Punk about Night of Champions...

Match #4
No Contest between Naomi VS. Brie Bella

- During the match AJ brings out the rest of the diva's not involved in the total diva's show and they all go at it.

- Los Matadores promo is shown...

Match #5
The Real Americans Def. The Usos

- Backstage Triple H is talking to Big Show, tonight Triple H is forcing him to wrestle all 3 members of 3MB in a handicap match next!

Match #6
Big Show Def. 3MB in a major squash

- The Shield come out and get ready for whoever was chosen to face Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins was the pick up next Daniel Bryan VS. Seth Rollins...

Match #7
Daniel Bryan Def. Seth Rollins via knee to the face in what was said to be a great match

- After the match Randy Orton helps the Shield attack Bryan laying him out with an RKO, Orton stands over Bryan holding the WWE Championship to end the show.

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