Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rob Van Dam Taking Time Off In October?!? & Sunny Reveals What She Is Looking For In A New Man!

- Rob Van Dam will be taking time off either after Battleground or Hell In A Cell next month... RVD has it in his contract where he works for 90 days then takes a leave of absence to rest his body then comes back to work for another 90 days. No word on a return date but the 2014 Royal Rumble wouldn't be surprising.

- Recently Sunny posted on Facebook what she is looking for in a new man in her life this is what she had to say...

"Ok so HERE is what I'm looking for in a guy: be gainfully employed so that you can pick up AT LEAST half of the dinner bills... Have your OWN HOME OR CONDO, so that we don't have to worry about waking your family up as we are going downstairs to the basement/your secure enough with yourself to not have to question me when my male best friend calls, texts, or tells me he loves me.... Be at least of average good looks (pretty boys need not apply, I like my men rugged, but please look in a mirror before thinking about asking me out) ... Must have clean, working vehicle... Must have GOOD TEETH (it's what tells if you take care of yourself or not)... Be SINGLE (not separated, dating around, etc). Understand I work around mostly men, doesn't mean banging them all.... Is this really too much to ask???" 

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