Tuesday, September 24, 2013

*BIG NEWS* Randy Orton Gets Wind Of Mr. Anderson's TNA Release! What Did He Say To Creative?!? & Hulk Hogan Turns Down TNA's Renewal Offer?!?

- Mr. Anderson's TNA contract expired recently and negotiations have reported to recently come to a halt as to resigning him. Well, those who followed know by now that Randy Orton still holds a grudge against Mr. Anderson in his last ever WWE match when Anderson (as Mr. Kennedy) back suplexed Orton on his head in a tag team match on RAW. Anderson was fired from the WWE the day after that RAW... It seems as if Orton has gotten wind of Anderson now being a free agent and Triple H showed some interest in using him as a major babyface in the company going up against the new Triple H regime. However, Orton has recently voiced his grievances claiming it would be a "major mistake" if they brought back Anderson to the company. He then went along to say things like "He can't be trusted" and "he won't draw a dime". Anderson was telling many backstage within TNA that he was hoping to start a new chapter in the WWE when his time with TNA was over, but now it looks as if Orton may be the deal breaker between him getting back into the WWE. Anderson's TNA negotiations have currently stopped and unless something happens soon Anderson will be wrestling the indy circuit or doing something else in his endeavors unless WWE does indeed pick him up.

- Hulk Hogan was recently offered a new TNA contract that would extend his time with the company from October 1st 2013 through October 1st of 2015. Hogan immediately turned down the renewal from TNA and wanted to speak to Dixie Carter directly but she has yet to contact him in any way. Rumor has it Hogan turned down the deal because the pay being dropped from his current deal and his appearances were "scattered all over the place". As of right now Hogan's contract is still set to expire on October 1st. 

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