Monday, September 23, 2013

WWE RAW Results 9/23/13!

- Tonight's RAW is live from Chicago, Illinois...

- Rob Van Dam, Dolph Ziggler, R-Truth, Prime Time Players, Kofi Kingston, The Usos, Justin Gabriel & Zack Ryder are all standing at the top of the entrance ramp... The Shield is standing guard at ringside when Triple H's music hits he comes out with Stephanie and gets in the ring talking about what happened last week and says I bet all of you are worried for your jobs or getting suspended when Stephanie takes over and says actually all we want to do is say thank you! thank you for standing up and being real men! RVD gets on the mic and says they were fighting for Daniel Bryan because he got screwed and they would do the same to them. Triple H fires back and says he never knew anyone that fought for someone trying to earn something he had countless opportunities on already... he only knew people that went after the WWE championship! but tonight the first ever 11-3 handicap tag team elimination match will take place in the main event! Stephanie says they all have built up frustration towards the Shield and tonight they get to take it out on them. And there partner will be Daniel Bryan! and tonight Randy Orton will face whoever the WWE Universe picks via the WWE app.

Match #1
Alberto Del Rio Def. Kofi Kingston via cross armbreaker

- Backstage Miz is being interviewed when Triple H walks up and asks him how he is doing and says he can not let him anywhere near Randy Orton tonight due to his condition... however, tonight I see MizTV featuring The Big Show!...

- They show what happened last week between Dusty Rhodes & Big Show as well as Goldust/Orton a few weeks back as well as Cody/Orton.

Match #2
Erick Rowan & Luke Harper Def. Prime Time Players

- After the match Bray Wyatt hit sister Abigail on Darren Young and posed...

- The Miz is in the ring and cuts a promo saying how pissed off he is and humiliated he was last week in front of his family and how he had to seek medical attention thanks to Orton... He then says I wasn't the only one seeking medical attention and they show the Dusty Rhodes/Big Show footage again. He brings out Big Show who says nothing. Miz goes on to say he knows Big Show for almost a decade now so why would he do such a thing to a legend like Dusty Rhodes. He goes on to say the locker room respects him and he should know by now what Triple H & Stephanie are trying to do to the WWE locker room he tells Big Show he should STEP UP! until he is interrupted by Stephanie... she comes out and talks ugly to The Miz saying he hit his peak to early and now amounts to nothing. All WWE need Miz for is promotional work... she tells Big Show to knock him out after Miz tells her to stick it up her ass and he does it without hesitation this time around and immediately walks out the ring while Stephanie is smiling...

Match #3
Double countout between Rob Van Dam VS. Randy Orton 

- Orton continued to attack RVD outside the ring ignoring the referee and threw him into the steel steps twice... Orton then throws RVD into the announcer booth. He then drags RVD into the ring and nails the DDT off the top rope leaving RVD helpless.

- WWE 2K14 hype video is shown...

- Randy Orton approaches The Bella Twins backstage and warns Brie that what he did to RVD is just a taste a sample of what is to come for Daniel Bryan at Battleground and she is going to see what a real man is like a true face of the company and walks away...

- Video for Triple H's new "Thy Kingdom Come" DVD is shown...

- AJ Lee approaches Stephanie backstage and demands out of her tag team match tonight as she knows she will be turned on... Stephanie gets in her face and says she will compete or maybe she won't be diva's champion for much longer. She also gives her a copy of the new Triple H DVD telling watch the wedding it's what a real wedding is like AJ!

Match #4
Fandango Def. Santino Marella via top rope legdrop

- CM Punk is out to a enormous reaction from the crowd... he gets on the mic and says he feels he let everyone down he says he feels like he doesn't even deserve to say he is from Chicago... he goes on to talk about the Chicago Blackhawks/Detroit Red Wings NHL championship game how the Blackhawks were down but they kept coming and coming. He says "god damn it" live on the air showing his passion for the crowd and getting his hands on Paul Heyman once again. He says he wants to fight no matter if it's Axel or Ryback or and he is interrupted by Paul Heyman in a motorized wheel chair... Heyman comes out singing and Punk threatens Heyman until Heyman fires back saying no matter what you do or say it will always read that PAUL HEYMAN DEFEATED CM PUNK! not to mention with both hands tied behind my back! CM Punk asks how long it would take for his 2 goons to get out here and save him from another beat down that would be worse than at Night of Champions... Heyman tells everyone goodbye and his wheelchair isn't working Heyman throws a fit while Punk runs towards him until both Axel & Ryback attack from both sides laying Punk out... Punk then fights back laying out Axel after throwing him into the RAW sign on the side. Punk then dives onto Ryback off the stage. But it proves to be to much as Axel recovers and Ryback lays Punk out throwing him into the side sign off the ramp. Heyman then walks off his wheel chair and jumps around acting all happy as Ryback gets on the mic and says "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO A BULLY!"...

- CM Punk is shown refusing medical attention while the diva's come out...

Match #5
Bella Twins, Naomi, Cameron & Natalya Def. AJ, Tamina, Layla, Aksana & Alicia Fox

- After being attacked by all the total divas Tamina carries AJ back to the back...

- The Shield cut a promo about how they are not worried tonight... because they have dominated and re-invented the business ever since they got there... we are not the hunted we are the hunters! believe in the Shield!

Match #6
Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, The Usos, R-Truth, Prime Time Players, Rob Van Dam, Zack Ryder, Kofi Kingston & Justin Gabriel Def. The Shield

- It came down to Seth Rollins VS. Bryan, Ziggler & The Usos in the end... Reigns & Ambrose tried interfering but they were prepared they all took care of them while Bryan pinned Rollins for the win... he celebrated to end the show.

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