Friday, September 20, 2013

Plans For Ryback If His Run With Paul Heyman Fails!, Update On Dixie Carter's Promo From iMPACT! & Matt Morgan Not Coming To WWE?!?

- Many backstage are hoping Ryback's run with Paul Heyman is successful this is considered a last effort in making his heel run work. Thus far if things do not work out and Ryback still does not get over properly the plan is to turn Ryback into a babyface again and attempt to regain what he had in late 2012 going into Wrestlemania XXIX this year. Many think Ryback's heel turn was a mistake right from the beginning but now since Heyman is involved things may very well change.

- There was a bit of confusion at last night's iMPACT! in which AJ Styles cut the "worked shoot" promo and Dixie Carter so called "McMahoned it up" in what many are calling a direct copy of WWE's power storyline with the Triple H regime and the classic Vince McMahon heel character that Dixie was trying to culminate last night. Some fans thought it was okay some thought it was absolute garbage with most backstage thinking it was absolute garbage with many not understanding why "they are going there" in attempting to make Dixie a on screen heel character. The ratings dropped at last night's show.

- Earlier in the year when he left TNA, it was reported that Matt Morgan had a good chance in returning to the WWE... some even rumored he might be one of the new Paul Heyman guys coming in. But, now there seems to be a sudden lack of interest from WWE in signing Morgan and it was also reported that there is a chance he could return to TNA shortly.

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