Tuesday, September 10, 2013

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown! Results 9-13-13!

- WWE Smackdown! is taped from Ottawa, Canada...

- Lilian Garcia comes out and sings O'Canada...

- Video highlights are shown of RAW of the whole Big Show/Daniel Bryan/Randy Orton fiasco they announce Big Show must apologize for not doing what he was told on RAW...

- Big Show opens the show to a big pop and "must apologize" he slowly begins to say he is sorry when Triple H interrupts to a loud "ASSHOLE" chant. Triple H says he let the WWE Universe down by not performing a simple task he was told to do and he let down the company. Triple H suspends Big Show for a night without pay. Big Show is pissed when The Shield suddenly attack Big Show but he fights them off at first until Reigns nails Show several times with a steel chair. They end up triple powerbombing him to end the segment. The crowd was said to be very hot in this opening segment.

- It is announced Michael Cole will interview Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman tonight...

Match #1
Alicia Fox, Aksana & Layla Def. Brie Bella, Natalya & Naomi via DQ

- AJ gets involved in the match attacking the total diva's but somehow the referee awards the match to Fox, Aksana & Layla in a botch to which the crowd responded "YOU FUCKED UP" to the ref. All of the diva's brawl after the match to which no one seemed to care.

- They announce Dean Ambrose will face Dolph Ziggler tonight...

- Apparently a dance contest is next between Fandango & R-Truth... The Miz interrupts wearing huge fake afro and enters the contest and out comes Great Khali as well to enter. The Miz is declared the winner to "BULLSHIT" chants and "THIS IS STUPID" chants from the crowd. Fandango is booted out of the ring pissed off calling this a disgrace to the art of dance.

- Backstage Ryback is with some local wrestler, he says he wishes he could have the chance to get into the ring with Ryback, Ryback smiles and slaps him really hard and says he dreams of beating people up like him and walks off laughing...

- Vickie Guerrero announces that Ricardo Rodriguez will not be in Rob Van Dam's corner at Night of Champions for his safety and for the match to be truly competitive... she gets so much heat from the crowd it is hard to understand her. She then announces that Ricardo will face Del Rio one on one later tonight to huge boos.

Match #2
Santino Marella Def. Damien Sandow via Cobra

- Santino gets a huge pop before the match Sandow cut a promo bashing Canadians before Santino came out...

- A great video package is shown of the CM Punk/Paul Heyman rivalry... Michael Cole's interview with them is next... Heyman claims he is a man of peace and never wanted this to happen and not a advocate of war. Axel says Punk can't beat him so he won't even have the pleasure of getting to Heyman. Heyman goes off on Punk saying he can't believe this is going to happen and tries to boycott the PPV saying if you watch Night of Champions you are going to see the slaughter of Paul Heyman... because no matter what Curtis Axel does somehow, someway Punk will get his hands on me. "CM PUNK" chants start to surround the building. Heyman starts to get emotional and says Night of Champions may very well be the last time we see him. Axel looks stunned as the segment ends.

Match #3
Alberto Del Rio Def. Ricardo Rodriguez via top rope reverse suplex

- Rio gets no reaction from the crowd at all but when Ricardo comes out the place gets going again... Rio applies the armbreaker on Ricardo after the match but RVD ends up making the save and nails a five star frog splash on Del Rio and holds up the World Heavyweight title to celebrate while helping Ricardo.

Match #4
Double DQ between Dean Ambrose & Dolph Ziggler

- The Shield & Usos get involved and Vickie makes a six man tag team match next...

Match #5
The Shield Def. Dolph Ziggler & The Usos

- The match was said to be really good and the ending had Rollins lift his knees up on the Usos finisher for the pin.

- The Cutting Edge is next... Edge gets a huge pop, Edge goes on to say what happened to Christian what ridiculous and this place has changed since he has been away for the worse. He tells Christian to tear the Shield a part when he is well again. Randy Orton interrupts and Edge asks Orton how does it feel to be a sell out? Orton says Edge is just jealous he is now a 10 time World Champion and just a talk show host now. Edge reminds Orton he is stupid because he is a 11 time World Champion. Daniel Bryan comes out to a huge pop after Edge says he knows what's best for business. Bryan gets on the mic and says it was never his dream to be the "Face" of WWE but only to be the deserving WWE champion. Bryan gets in Orton's face and says I WILL BEAT YOU at Night of Champions... Orton smiles and low blows Daniel Bryan to major heat... The crowd starts chanting "SPEAR!" as Edge looks on and acts like he wants to do something. Bryan suddenly recovers and gets the upper hand on Orton to which Edge leaves the ring Bryan makes Orton tap to the "Yes Lock" while Edge smiles and the crowd chants "YOU TAPPED OUT!" while Bryan stands over Orton holding the WWE title to close the show.

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