Monday, September 16, 2013

WWE RAW Results 9-16-13!

- Tonight's RAW is live from Cleveland, Ohio...

- We get a recap of what happened last night at Night of Champions between Ryback, CM Punk & Paul Heyman... then a recap of Daniel Bryan becoming new WWE Champion.

- Daniel Bryan comes out to a enormous pop and "YES!" chants... Bryan gets in the ring and the crowd won't stop chanting "Daniel Bryan" and "YES!" he says the crowd is awesome and begins a "YES!" chant until Triple H interrupts and walks quickly down to the ring... Triple H immediately says don't get to excited Daniel or over congratulate yourself just yet, I want to address the gorilla in the room and that's the fast count from last night which gets immediate boos... Triple H brings out Scott Armstrong and compares his normal count to last nights fast count via video comparison and demands a explanation on what happened. Scott claims he made a simple mistake but Triple H says a mistake? that's it? there is something your not telling me... Scott leans over and whispers something to Bryan along the lines of "They got us Daniel" and Triple H yells out WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!? they got us Daniel? okay fine you can leave I'll deal with you later... Bryan is livid and acts surprised that Scott said that. Triple H immediately vacates the WWE title saying Daniel Bryan is officially no longer WWE Champion and if he doesn't give it up he will take it from him... Randy Orton comes out and Triple H tells him to calm down he will deal with this. Triple H says one more time YOU ARE NO LONGER WWE CHAMPION DANIEL BRYAN! GIVE IT TO ME OR I WILL TAKE IT FROM YOU!!... the crowd is livid and Bryan shouts "NO!" Triple H grabs the belt while Orton nails an RKO. Triple H takes the title and walks off quickly while Orton stands over Bryan to boos.

- Backstage Orton immediately confronts Triple H saying WHERE'S MY TITLE! and Stephanie gets in his face saying HEY! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO?!? she goes on to say what happened to the Orton of old? what happened to the Orton who handcuffed my husband and gave me a DDT while he watched?!? that's the kind of Champion we are looking for... until then we might have to find a new face of WWE and they both walk off while Orton shakes his head in anger...

Match #1
Dolph Ziggler Def. Dean Ambrose via ZigZag in a really good match

- Backstage Big Show is with Brad Maddox awaiting the arrival of Triple H & Stephanie... they arrive and Maddox tells Triple H he agrees with him vacating the WWE title he says thank you and tells Maddox to book Daniel Bryan against The Shield's powerhouse Roman Reigns tonight, he says it's a done deal. Maddox then tells Stephanie Dusty Rhodes has arrived she says thanks and he leaves the room... Stephanie then gets in Big Shows face and says he was suspended without pay on Smackdown! she says she hoped it hurt him. She says tonight you will stay out of trouble and sit down in this room and not move unless I call you and tell you to do something! he says yes Mrs. McMahon and she says good and leaves the room...

- They hype tonight's segment with Ryback & Paul Heyman...

Match #2
Fandango Def. R-Truth via top rope Legdrop

- Dusty Rhodes is shown backstage mingling with superstars apparently his segment is next...

- They hype Triple H's new DVD "Thy Kingdom Come" which comes out next Tuesday...

- Dusty Rhodes comes out to a loud pop... he gets on the mic and cuts a fantastic promo about family and children and what's it's like to be a parent... he disses the WWE's decision to fire Cody and humiliate Dustin. He says he understands there is a business proposition from Stephanie McMahon or Levesque or whatever you wanna be called so let's cut the crap and get to it... Stephanie walks out to loud boos she gets on the mic and says WOW! classic Virgil Runnels! that was great talk... Dusty says let's cut the crap and get down to business but first Stephanie says she has a present for Cody for the wedding and gives it to Dusty... he opens it and says Bed, Bath & Beyond?!? and throws it in the crowd... Stephanie goes off so that's how it's going to be and Dusty says YEA!! and Stephanie says fine her proposition is either to give a job to Cody or Dustin it's his choice... he walks around the ring and says he won't make that decision! he wants to ask her a question but she interrupts him and he gets in her face yelling DO NOT INTERRUPT ME!! he asks her if she compares her 3 daughters like she is trying to make him do with his 2 sons. Stephanie turns the tables and says IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT YOU VIRGIL! are you going to make a decision or not?!? he tells Stephanie to GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!!... she say's fine and out come The Shield and surround the ring she then asks for help from Big Show and he comes down to the ring. She says to Dustin either you pick Big Show to knock you out or Shield to tear you a part limb from limb... he still won't make a decision! so she makes it for him and tells Big Show to knock him out! Big Show refuses and Stephanie says fine Shield GET EM! they all get in the ring and Big Show threatens them NOT TO TOUCH HIM! he walks up to Dusty hugs him and says sorry but he has to do this and nails the WMD on Dusty and catches him laying him down on the mat while Stephanie has a sick smile on her face. They all leave except for Big Show as the medics attend to Dusty.

- They recap what just happened between Big Show & Dusty... backstage Dusty is being rushed into an ambulance while Big Show gets in with him while talent like Booker T & Prime Time Players look worried.

Match #3
Brie Bella, Naomi & Cameron Def. Aksana, Layla & Alicia Fox

- Natalya & AJ were at commentary being annoying and after the match Natalya got in AJ's face as she held up the Diva's title.

- They show The Miz backstage with Brad Maddox talking about something while Lawler says the Cleveland native will be in action tonight...

- They recap what happened again with Big Show & Dusty Rhodes...

Match #4
Rob Van Dam Def. Damien Sandow via Five Star Frog Splash

- Backstage Triple H is shown thinking until Scott Armstrong comes in the room... Triple H says Scott all this has gotten out of hand with the fast count now we have no WWE Champion and we just can't have things like this happening... I am going to offer you a great severance package and Scott says severance package? and Triple H says yea I gotta let you go sorry Scott... Scott says but Hunter! and Triple H says Scott don't fight it I'll take good care of you but I gotta let you go you are fired. Scott walks away depressed.

Match #5
Double countout between The Miz & Randy Orton

- Orton attacked Miz while he was greeting his parents at ringside and threw him into the steel steps... Miz wanted to fight after wards but Orton got the better hand eventually DDTing Miz off the barricade in front of his parents. Orton then threw Miz into the ring and put a steel chair over his head and nailed a jumping knee drop on Miz. The medic crew came out to attend to Miz while Orton looked to be in a daze trying to prove he still "had it".

- Curtis Axel rolls out Paul Heyman in a wheel chair while Ryback is standing by his side... Heyman gets on the mic and brags about his victory at Night of Champions and how he pinned CM Punk for the win. Everyone thought he was down and out yet it will go down in the history books that Paul Heyman defeated CM Punk. He says so what was the master plan you ask?!? THERE WAS NONE! it was all because ONE MAN decided to take the initiative to change his path in WWE and took it upon himself to put CM Punk in his place and that man is this beautiful big man RYBACK!!... Ryback gets on the mic and says CM Punk is a bully and he dislikes everything that CM Punk stands for. Ryback gets on his knees and promises his allegiance to Heyman saying he will never EVER have to worry about CM Punk again! Heyman smiles and kisses Ryback on the cheek to which Ryback smiles as the crowd boos as he rolls Heyman back to the back.

- They hype Bryan/Reigns for tonight...

- Los Matadores promo is shown...

Match #6
#1 Contenders Tag Team Elimination Match
The Usos Win By Last Eliminating The Real Americans

- Tons of Funk were eliminated by the Real Americans early on and it came down to Usos VS. Real Americans... looks like Usos will get the tag title shot.

- They say Dusty is conscious but the hospital is keeping him under observation...

- They hype Reigns/Bryan again...

- Wyatt Family promo with Bray talking patience is a virtue yet people want more and more of everything! he says the world is full of animals just like ours but we don't let them suffer if one of our own suffers we put em down! he then goes on to say don't worry Abigail I will put em all down! and it ends...

- They recap what happened with Big Show & Dusty again...

- Backstage Daniel Bryan is seen walking preparing for his match next while talents come up to him wishing him luck Brie hugs him and RVD yells out "YES!"...

Match #7
Daniel Bryan Def. Roman Reigns via DQ in the match of the night

- Randy Orton gets involved when Bryan is closing in on the win... they all attack Orton and lay him out as Orton takes out a steel chair and is about to do the same to Bryan as he did to The Miz earlier... but RVD, Ziggler, Prime Time Players, Kofi, The Usos come out and clear house preventing it as Orton runs away to leave The Shield to get beaten down. They throw Reigns & Ambrose out the ring and Bryan nails the running knee to Rollins sending him out. They all celebrate as Prime Time Players lift up Bryan on their shoulders to end the show!

Best Match: Daniel Bryan VS. Roman Reigns
Best Segment: Dusty Rhodes/Stephanie McMahon/Big Show
Overall Rating: A

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