Monday, September 2, 2013

WWE RAW Results 9/2/13!

- RAW is live from Des Moines, Iowa...

- Triple H is shown in the ring surrounded by his new personal security The Shield... he introduces "the new face of WWE" Randy Orton to come out. Orton gets on the mic and recaps what happened on Smackdown! when he spray painted "NO" on Daniel Bryan. Orton puts over Triple H and The Shield and the whole McMahon family. Orton asks the fans if Bryan should give up his WWE title match at Night of Champions which was met with huge "NO!" chants. Orton keeps talking down Bryan and says no matter what people think what is going on now IS best for business. Triple H then gets on the mic again and praises Randy Orton and compares Bryan to Doink the clown until Daniel Bryan's music hits... Daniel comes out to a enormous pop and "YES!" chants. Bryan gets on the mic and talks down Randy Orton and says he couldn't even believe they wanted him to back out of the title match at Night of Champions. Bryan says hes even honored to be compared to Doink the clown and talks down Triple H for being a corporate sellout and Orton for being a "GQ" guy. Triple H has had enough and tells Bryan that tonight he will have to face the man who has just stood by while he has been beaten the Big Show in the main event tonight! Bryan is shaking his head while Triple H & Orton have huge smiles on there face.

- Backstage Triple H & Randy Orton are walking until Cody Rhodes walks up to them and says he thinks tonight will be a great show but then looks at Orton and says "you can't possibly be afraid to wrestle Daniel Bryan can you?" to which Triple H immediately responds it's okay Cody I know your father and I also know your under a lot of stress with getting married soon and all. He then says in a very cocky manner "I never got an invitation did you Randy" and Randy says nope. Triple H then says you know what it's okay because tonight you go one on one with the WWE champion Randy Orton! and if you lose... well you won't be here much longer in fact I KNOW you won't be here much longer and walks away.

Match #1
The Miz Def. Fandango

- Backstage Booker T confronts Daniel Bryan and tells him to slow down... he goes on to say this is a war he can't win and he knows it. Bryan says "tell me you just didn't say that" and goes on about this is his life and destiny. Booker says I got your back but word of advice slow it down.

Match #2
Ryback Def. Dolph Ziggler

- Before the match Ziggler was attacked by Dean Ambrose until Ryback was introduced as his official opponent.

- Backstage Brad Maddox tells Triple H & Stephanie that Big Show is refusing to wrestle Daniel Bryan tonight and Stephanie tells Hunter that she will handle this one...

- Stephanie makes her way out to the ring, she says she wants to bring out her "friend" of 12 years the largest athlete in the world BIG SHOW! he comes out slowly and hesitant... Stephanie immediately goes from saying I am your friend to YOUR BROKE! THE STRIP MALLS, THE LENDING TO FRIENDS THE CARELESS SPENDING! has made you broke!... and tonight this so called ironclad contract doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't do your job and wrestle Daniel Bryan tonight!... Big Show is devastated and has tears in his eyes as Stephanie walks away...

Match #3
Prime Time Players Def. 3MB

- A Wyatt Family promo is shown entitled "Wheres Kane?" Bray goes on about he knew the fire would deem the end for the big red so called monster. WHERE'S KANE?!? he made his bed and now he is burning in it! he laughs and laughs as the segment ends.

Match #4
Randy Orton Def. Cody Rhodes in a great match

- After the match Triple H comes out and congrats Orton... he gets on the mic and praises Rhodes and says he respects him but this is a business it's a empire. Triple H says it is with deep regret but Cody you are fired! the crowd boos as Rhodes is depressed and he slowly gets up as the crowd chants "THANK YOU CODY!" and he slowly walks up the ramp.

- CM Punk comes out with a kendo stick... Punk cuts a promo on Heyman saying no matter what it takes he will get his hands on him at Night of Champions. Punk claims he is in a very dark place right now and even he wouldn't fight himself. Punk says no one will prevent him from doing what he has wanted to do for over a month and a half now, and thats beat the crap out of Heyman. Punk ends with a weird smile twirling the kendo stick.

- They recap what happened last week between CM Punk, Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman...

- Backstage Big Show walks up to Daniel Bryan trying to apologize for what might happen tonight and he says his sorry for the position they are both in... but for some reason Bryan wants no part of it he says he doesn't care and he will do whatever he has to do to get things done and still get his shot at Randy at Night of Champions... Big Show keeps his cool and lets Bryan walk away.

Match #5
No Contest between Natalya, Naomi & Brie Bella

- AJ gets involved and tries to beat up all three of them until all of the total divas beat her up instead... Brie botches a kick and hits Natalya in the face but she blows it off. They walk away acting all happy what they did to AJ.

- A Los Matadores promo is shown...

Match #6
Rob Van Dam Def. Damien Sandow in a good match

- Alberto Del Rio came out and looked at RVD holding up his World Championship belt after he won, RVD & Ricardo ignored him and celebrated. RVD just pointed at the title.

- They hype the main event between Big Show & Daniel Bryan...

- Backstage Cody Rhodes is shown leaving while Josh Matthews runs up and tries to interview him... he asks if he has any parting word for the WWE Universe... Cody says PARTING WORDS?!? YEA SURE! tonight I LOST Randy Orton was the better man BUT THAT STIPULATION?!? you know why because they have ALWAYS HATED THE RHODES FAMILY! THEY PUT MY HALL OF FAMER FATHER IN POLKA DOTS!! THEY PUT DUSTIN IN GOLD MAKEUP! and now they just fire me?!? and he walks off...

- The superstars gather on stage for the main event is next...

- They announce Edge will be at next week's RAW...

Match #7
No contest between Big Show & Daniel Bryan

- Big Show had the match in his hands but refused to do any further damage, The Shield runs down and attacks Bryan and Big Show immediately tries to save Bryan but Triple H runs out and stops Big Show. Triple H gets on the mic and says DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS! he wants Big Show to knock out Bryan after he had been laid out by The Shield. Big Show refuses and walks out the ring with tears in his eyes until Stephanie comes out and reminds Big Show of what she said earlier, Big Show gets back in the ring and tries to punch Triple H but Stephanie walks in front of him preventing Big Show from going forward with it. Big Show is a mess and really hates what he is about to do he suddenly turns around and nails Bryan with the WMD. Big Show leaves crying. Randy Orton comes out and stands over Bryan holding the WWE title to end the show.

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