Wednesday, September 25, 2013

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown! Results 9/27/13!

- WWE Smackdown! is taped from Milwaukee, Wisconsin...

- Triple H opens the show to several boo's... he gets on the mic talking about what is best for business and how some people just don't seem to get it. He talks about Daniel Bryan (who won't be here tonight to several boo's) The Rhodes family & The Miz and out comes The Miz interrupting Triple H. The Miz gets on the mic and talks about how unhappy he has been the past week and this week on RAW took it to another level. Triple H says well since you seem to be in better condition tonight I will give you your shot at Randy Orton in the main event tonight. The Miz looks pleased as Triple H leaves...

Match #1
Alberto Del Rio Def. R-Truth

- Rob Van Dam came out after the match and beat Rio with a steel chair... A stipulation is made at Battleground that there match for the World title will be held under "hardcore rules".

Match #2
The Real Americans Def. Prime Time Players

- Triple H DVD promo is shown...

- WWE 2K14 promo is shown...

Match #3
Dolph Ziggler Def. Dean Ambrose via DQ after the rest of The Shield interfered and Rob Van Dam & Kofi Kingston came out to make the save...

- Triple H comes out and makes a six man tag team match during the brawl and that match starts... right now!

Match #4
The Shield Def. Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam & Kofi Kingston

Match #5
AJ Def. Cameron

- Paul Heyman & Ryback cut a promo on CM Punk and how he will be defeated and humiliated yet again at Battleground.

Match #6
Great Khali & Santino Marella Def. 3MB

- The Miz is shown getting ready for the main event backstage...

Match #7
Randy Orton Def. The Miz

- Orton got DQ'ed early in the match as he ignored the referee and kept attacking Miz's injuries... Triple H came out and forced the match to restart saying he had to win via pinfall. Orton nails the RKO for the win.

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