Thursday, August 29, 2013

Battleground Was Originally Supposed To Feature A "War Games" Match? & Survivor Series Update!

- Word coming in is that the upcoming brand new "WWE Battleground" PPV which takes place on October 6th, 3 weeks after "Night of Champions" was scheduled to feature the first ever WWE "War Games" like match between Triple H's so called new regime & the faces against the "new movement of WWE". It was going to feature Triple H himself, Randy Orton & The Shield going up against Daniel Bryan, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Dam & Mark Henry or CM Punk.

- Word has it that Vince McMahon is highly against the idea because it would just be "recycling a WCW gimmick match". While there is still a small chance it could happen it should become more clear after what happens at the "Night of Champions" PPV in a few weeks.

- Speaking of team matches it is said that this year there is a good possibility that "Survivor Series" will strongly focus on the traditional elimination tag team matches this year than in the previous years where there has hardly been any focus on them. It is said that creative believes with the current storyline going on they could pull off at least 2 strong 5 on 5 big main event matches on the show.

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