Tuesday, August 27, 2013

*SPOILERS* WWE Smackdown! Results 8-30-13!

- Smackdown! is taped from Las Vegas, Nevada!

- MizTV kicks off the show with guests Big Show & Dolph Ziggler... Miz discusses the events that took place on RAW Monday and is about to ask Big Show & Dolph a question when Triple H interrupts and comes to the ring. Triple H gets in the face of all of them and immediately books Miz in a match against Randy Orton tonight. Triple H then turns to Ziggler and says he will face The Shield in a handicap match while Big Show has to watch as he will be doing commentary for the match. They all look angry while Triple H has a huge smirk on his face to end the segment.

Match #1
Randy Orton Def. The Miz via RKO

- After the match The Shield hit the ring and Orton and the Shield attack Miz until Daniel Bryan comes out with a steel chair to make the save to a enormous cheer.

- Vickie Guerrero after just seeing what happened is backstage angry at Daniel Bryan for saving Miz... she immediately books a match pitting Bryan against Ryback tonight.

Match #2
Rob Van Dam Def. Damien Sandow via Five Star Frog Splash

- Alberto Del Rio comes out and cuts a promo he disses Ricardo Rodriguez for joining RVD and says the belt isn't going anywhere because he is the best Latino wrestler in the world and at Night Of Champions he will defeat Rob Van Dam and maybe even get a little "damage" to Ricardo as well. RVD and Ricardo shrug it off.

Match #3
The Shield Def. Dolph Ziggler via Roman Reigns spear

- The Shield taunt Big Show after the match as he is sitting ringside for commentary apparently he is unable interfere or he is fired.

- Paul Heyman & Curtis Axel cut a promo on CM Punk... Axel hypes Night of Champions and says he will prove he can outdo Punk any day of the week and prove Heyman made the right choice in picking him. Heyman continues his "I loved you" spat but at Night of Champions all love is lost.

Match #4
The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper & Erick Rowan) Def. Tons Of Funk

- Bray Wyatt enters the ring after the match and hits the Sister Abigail finisher and taunts the crowd and tons of funk.

Match #5
Daniel Bryan Def. Ryback via DQ when Randy Orton & The Shield attack Bryan

- Chaos breaks loose after the match as they all beat down Daniel Bryan... Triple H walks out to the ring, Big Show gets up and heads towards the ring but is checked by Triple H so he doesn't interfere. The beatdown continues as Orton threatens to spray paint Bryan, they all celebrate as Orton holds up the WWE title to end the show.

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