Thursday, August 22, 2013

Several WWE Talent's Frustrated With Creative?, AJ Styles Contract Expiring!

- There a few talent's upset with WWE creative at the moment but the top two include Dolph Ziggler & Cody Rhodes... Ziggler expressed his frustration in a recent interview about his character being at a stand still since his concussion and gone nowhere since. Ziggler was also upset about his spot at Summerslam as he felt he deserved a higher spot on the card. Ziggler has no problem portraying a babyface it's just the way he is being used that he does not like at the moment. He feels he is beyond mid-card and has proved it time and time again and WWE should be main eventing him by now.

- As far as Cody Rhodes goes, he was upset with his sudden face turn last month as he much preferred the heel role. Rumor has it he was also asked by Triple H to shave his mustache to go along with his face turn to change his look up a bit. Cody also feels by now even though he has defeated Damien Sandow twice in a row that he should be main eventing as well.

- AJ Styles contract with TNA is set to expire in the middle of September... AJ has not been happy with TNA this year at all and TNA has not made to much effort in re-negotiating a new contract with Styles either. Styles has been hinting on Twitter that he just may join another organization saying...

"Where do fans want AJ Styles to be? TNA? WWE? ROH? Japan? Lots of options. Tough decisions." 

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