Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CM Punk Has Words With Vince McMahon At RAW?!?, Major Heat On Sin Cara! & WWE 2K14 Update!

- After his segment and "unsanctioned brawl" with Curtis Axel on RAW last night... Word has it CM Punk had some words with Vince McMahon after it was over. Vince apparently walked up to Punk angrily and asked him why he went off the way he did to the fan in the audience. Calling the fan a fatass and telling him to "be a little bitch and sit down and shut up." to which Punk simply told Vince something along the lines of It's just something I do sometimes, felt it would help. Vince seemed angry but walked away and let Punk off the hook. Punk is known for several altercations with fans in the past and has always been let off the hook for whatever he has done. Even the physical incident last year in which Punk attacked and struck the wrong fan behind him in the stands.

- There is a lot of heat on Sin Cara right now, most feel even with his injury he could have worked through the rest of the match with Alberto Del Rio as it wasn't scheduled to go very long anyway. Cara is notorious for always having small injuries or excuses not to work with certain people or at all. Rumor has it, WWE has been thinking of releasing Sin Cara all together as he has been deemed a failure. Alberto Del Rio was also noticeably upset as he kept trying to have the match with Cara regardless of the referee telling him to stop.

- The WWE 2K14 page has been updated with several new screenshots, confirmed matches for the "30 year's of Wrestlemania mode" and the brand new trailer that was released today. The game is looking phenomenal.

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