Thursday, August 29, 2013

WWE Battleground Poster!, Bully Ray Calls Technical Wrestling Boring! & Stephanie McMahon On beaSTAR Criticism!

- Above is the official poster for the next WWE PPV entitled "Battleground" it will take place on October 6th. It was rumored it would feature "War Games" like matches but that now seems to be off the cards.

- Bully Ray was recently interviewed on a couple of subjects like Sting to WWE, Devon, TNA & WWE competition and his thoughts on technical wrestling to which he called it "boring" here are the highlights.

On TNA not being competition for WWE: "Because there are only two major wrestling companies in the United States, so of course the public's perception is that we're in competition with each other. But I don't know how you can really, truly compete with a gigantic mega machine like the WWE when TNA's been around for 11 years. And in 11 years they're very, very successful and they're growing leaps and bounds and there's a tremendous amount of light at the end of the tunnel. But you can't compete. That's like, you know, an up and coming company's little bank trying to compete with Chase Manhattan or whatever. I like to look at it as two separate companies and two separate brands of entertainment that wrestling fans can thoroughly enjoy. 

On Sting going to WWE: "You have to make the smartest business decisions for yourself, for your family and for your career. And if Sting thinks that he has accomplished everything that he possibly could in TNA and he wants to go do that, more power to him" 

On not being a fan of technical wrestling: "Who gives a crap about technical wrestling? Listen, technical wrestling doesn't put asses in seats. Nobody wants to see technical wrestling. Technical wrestling is boring. People want to see car crashes and big explosions and they want to see guys fight and bleed and have sex with the other guy's girlfriend." 

On Devon's recent departure from TNA: "As of right now, Devon is unfortunately not with TNA Wrestling. Here's the thing about Devon being gone, in my eyes it's a temporary thing." 

- The WWE continues to receive backlash on it's "beaSTAR" anti bullying campaign yet featuring bully characters like Ryback on the show. She had this to say on the subject...

"What do u say to those fans who say @WWE is going against their own Anti-Bullying campaign w/ showing HHH & Ryback bullying?" In response, she said the bullying that occurs on WWE programming should be strictly viewed as entertainment. 

"No diff than bullying in a movie," wrote McMahon. "WWE is Entertainment @beaSTARalliance is real."

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