Monday, August 26, 2013

WWE RAW Results 8-26-13!

Tonight's RAW is live from Phoenix, Arizona...

- The Shield are standing outside the ring as Justin Gabriel introduces them... Triple H's music hits to some cheers and boo's mixed reactions. Triple H walks out as Justin Gabriel introduces him he slowly walks out as it seems The Shield is his new personal security. Triple H get's on the mic and talks about Summerslam and calls it the night a new era began and highlights are shown of him screwing over Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton winning the WWE title. Triple H says that was nothing but business BUT! then he showed footage of The Shield attacking Bryan last week then Orton nailing an RKO on him. Triple H says NOW THAT was personal because you insulted my wife, me & my family. He say's I'm ready to let water run under the bridge and pretend it never happened it's your choice Daniel. Triple H then claims business is booming because of the face of the WWE and he brings out Randy Orton to boo's as Triple H shows his support. Triple H congratulates Orton on bringing new life into the WWE he thanks Orton for being the new face of the WWE and not being afraid of taking action when necessary. He says he has a present for Orton a brand new Cadillac escalade. Orton thanks Triple H for the gift, and he thanks Triple H for allowing him to live his dream again and put past issues aside he also says everyone should realize he is the only one worthy of being called WWE Champion. Triple H & Orton want to go check out the car and out walks Daniel Bryan to a enormous "YES!" chant. Daniel Bryan gets on the mic and says wow Orton you certainly worked so hard for that championship Bryan then goes on to thank the fans to a enormous "Daniel Bryan" chant. He says secondly, he wants to thank John Cena for giving him the opportunity to wrestle in the main event of Summerslam because clearly "corporate" would have never given him the chance. He says lastly, he wants to thank Triple H for showing his true colors at Summerslam and showed that he truly thinks like his father in law Vince McMahon. The rebel former DX leader is now just a sellout in a suit looking exactly like his father in law. Orton lashes out at Bryan claiming Bryan needs to watch his mouth talking down the COO of the WWE. Orton says maybe you didn't hear us but I am the new face of the WWE when Bryan interrupts and says your face will be re-arranged at Night of Champions. Bryan ends it with HE WILL BE WWE CHAMPION! when the fans chant "YES!"... Triple H backfires saying wow what a nice little fairytale fantasy singing "once upon a star"... he says IT MATTERS WHO YOU ARE IN THE REAL WORLD! and since you want to prove yourself so damn bad tonight you get to go one on one with Seth Rollins! he continues and says then DEAN AMBROSE AND THEN ROMAN REIGNS! tonight you get the gift that keeps on giving THE SHIELD IN A GAUNTLET MATCH! BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT'S BEST FOR BUSINESS... Bryan shakes his head and walks away as Triple H and Orton celebrate in the ring.

- Footage is shown of CM Punk & Curtis Axel last week on RAW... they announce that match will take place tonight and fans decide the stipulation either Heyman as special referee, he is banned from ringside or if Punk wins he gets Heyman alone in the ring.

- They announce Rob Van Dam will take on Alberto Del Rio tonight...

Match #1
Cody Rhodes Def. Fandango via roll up

- The Miz comes out and distracts Fandango using his theme and dancing like Fandango, Sandow attacks Rhodes. Brad Maddox comes out and says WHOA WHOA it's time to partner up right now we get Fandango & Sandow VS. Miz & Rhodes right now!

Match #2
The Miz & Cody Rhodes Def. Damien Sandow & Fandango after Fandango leaves Sandow alone allowing Miz to nail the skull crushing finale on Sandow for the pin.

- They hype the Punk/Axel match and stipulation...

- A promo for "Los Matadores" is shown... they still look ridiculous.

- Josh Matthews is backstage with Christian and asks him what he thinks about Triple H's new way of running things. Christian is hesitant and reminds everyone of the attitude era, he goes on to say before being interrupted by Randy Orton and Orton says let me guess Christian you have a problem with the way things are being run around here? oh yea thats right because at Summerslam I was a winner and you were a loser just like tonight when you hit you with an RKO. Christian fires back and says I knew Triple H likes sledgehammers but now I guess he's found himself a new tool. Orton slowly walks away.

- They again hype the WWE APP and the Punk/Axel match and stipulation...

- Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel are talking backstage Heyman is worried about the fans choosing the stipulation of him being alone in the ring with Punk. Axel calms down Heyman and says things are in our favor remember if Punk gets DQ'ed or counted out he loses not to mention he can't out wrestle me! he then asks Heyman if he believes in him... Heyman slowly says as if my life depends on it.

Match #3
CM Punk Def. Curtis Axel via GTS in a pretty decent match

- After the match Heyman tries to runaway but his brought to the ring by security, CM Punk starts choking Heyman until Axel recovers and low blows Punk. Axel then handcuffs Punk's hands behind his back. They yell FIGHT US! Punk gets up and kicks Axel in the head sending him out the ring, Punk then kicks Heyman and kicks him while he is down until Axel again recovers and attacks Punk with a chair. Axel then grabs a kendo stick and gives it to Heyman he goes to town on Punk taking several shots at him. Axel then throws Punk outside the ring and Heyman continues beating him until the kendo stick breaks in half and he throws it away. Medical staff separate Axel & Heyman from Punk as they slowly walk away Axel has a huge smile on his face while Heyman looks distraught. Punk is being tended to by medical staff.

- They recap what just happened between Heyman/Punk & Axel... and they show Punk slowly walking away with blood all on his back.

- JoJo from total diva's in special guest announcer for the next match...

Match #4
Brie Bella Def. Natalya via facebuster in a short terrible match

- After the match AJ Lee comes out, she bashes Total Diva's to some cheers and says they are all just wanna be actresses who couldn't act or just not talented enough to be champion. She goes on about how she didn't get here because she was cute she got here because she was good. She bashes all the diva's claiming just because you suck up to the right people or come from a famous wrestling family they gave you 15 minutes of fame on a stupid reality show. She then says none of you will ever be able to touch me and the crowd cheers as the rest of the diva's look legit pissed. (Excellent work by AJ.)

- Up next is Rob Van Dam VS. Alberto Del Rio... and they show Rio's attack on Ricardo 3 weeks ago.

Match #5
Rob Van Dam Def. Alberto Del Rio via leg roll up

- They announce Rob Van Dam will officially face Del Rio at Night of Champions for the World Heavyweight Championship. RVD & Ricardo celebrate.

- They recap what happened last week with John Cena announcing his time off... and they talk about his surgery getting done therapy is now underway.

- They hype tonight's gauntlet match with Daniel Bryan VS. The Shield...

- They hype the release of "Best of Madison Square Garden" DVD...

- Josh Matthews is backstage with Ryback, Matthews says that he has been bullying everyone he immediately grabs Matthews face and drops him then yells LOOK AT ME! and says I finally found a way to shut you up! and walks away. Not a very good segment

- They again recap what happened with Punk/Heyman & Axel...

- Backstage Renee walks up to a leaving Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel and wants there thoughts of there actions... Axel claims he got what he deserved and there should have been more. Heyman then says what happened was a tragic event but Punk is someone who needs to keep getting punished and punished and punished and he never learns his lesson, well now maybe he has that Paul Heyman is the LAST person you ever want to mess with and they leave.

Match #6
Randy Orton Def. Christian via RKO in a good match

- After the match Daniel Bryan appears on the titantron and says A+ effort Orton! your right you are the face of the WWE. But what if I win the WWE Championship at Night of Champions? would that make me the new face of WWE? he shows where he has spray painted his gift from Triple H his new Cadillac escalade with YES! all over the vehicle he shouts "YES!" along with the crowd while Orton is pissed.

- Backstage Triple H, Randy Orton & Brad Maddox are looking at the car that Bryan spray painted. Maddox informs that most of the locker room is laughing at what happened. Triple H walks up to Maddox and says this was my personal property that I gave to Orton as a gift, he says the WWE title is also my personal property that Randy holds for me and the WWE. You tell every single member of the WWE roster to walk out there tonight on the stage and watch what is going to happen to Daniel Bryan tonight. If anyone even thinks of interfering if anyone even looks at that ring funny I will personally fire them! and laugh while doing so!

Match #7
Titus O'Neal Def. Jack Swagger via Spinebuster

- They announce we will hear from the Wyatt Family next...

- The Wyatt Family appear in a video on the titantron, Bray Wyatt discusses Sister Abigail and how her touch could save the world, but her kiss could burn it to the ground. He said I'll always remember you Sister Abigail and he remembered why he was "chosen" and he has to get them before they get him and starts humming a song to end the promo.

- Backstage CM Punk demands a match with Paul Heyman, Maddox gives him a match at Night of Champions Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman VS. CM Punk in a handicap elimination match and if Heyman tries to back out he will be fired.

- Up next the gauntlet...

Match #8
Daniel Bryan Def. Seth Rollins via diving kick to the face

Match #9
Daniel Bryan Def. Dean Ambrose via DQ

- After wards Shield just go to town on Bryan while HHH comes out looking at all the superstars on the ramp and gives the signal for Shield to attack Bryan some more. Randy Orton comes out and waits for HHH's signal to go down to the ring. Orton nails an RKO on Bryan and he walks back up the ramp and he and HHH smile and walk out to end the show.

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