Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Update On Plans For Damien Sandow!, Sin Cara Already Returns To Action! & Update On Wrestlemania XXXI Location!

- Even though Damien Sandow has been jobbing a lot as of late, it doesn't mean he is in the doghouse in fact it's the complete opposite. Triple H is said to love Sandow so much that he reminds him a lot of himself when he was younger. WWE want to build Sandow up properly and make sure he is over enough before he cashes in his money in the bank briefcase similar to what happened to Dolph Ziggler before he cashed in. There seems to be a bright future ahead for Sandow and a lot praised his work at Summerslam and the Summerslam AXXESS.

- It looks like Sin Cara's injury wasn't serious at all as he already returned at the Smackdown! tapings and worked a dark match. There is still tons of heat on Cara at the moment.

- Philadelphia & Santa Clara are in the running to host Wrestlemania XXXI in 2015.

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