Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Rock To Miss Wrestlemania XXX?!?, Update On Plans For The Big Event!

- The Rock recently stated on Twitter that after he is filming "Hercules" he will start on "Fast 7" alongside UFC Women's Champion Ronda Rousey. After that he is currently contracted to star in another 6 films! which would clearly get in the way of WWE's Wrestlemania XXX. Unless some sort of scheduling agreement can be worked out don't expect The Rock to be able to work Wrestlemania XXX. WWE has thought of considering inducting Rock into the 2014 Hall of fame kind of obligating him to work the event.

- As of right now there are no set in stone matches or plans for Wrestlemania XXX just a bunch of talk and idea's being tossed around which include... Undertaker VS. Brock Lesnar for the streak, The Rock VS. Triple H with Rock representing Vince McMahon for control of the company (If Rock is able to work the show) if Rock isn't able then the idea was to put John Cena as the new representative for Vince McMahon. Making it Cena VS. Triple H... also Warrior VS. Vince McMahon has been discussed and a potential Rob Van Dam VS. CM Punk VS. Daniel Bryan triple threat.

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