Monday, August 19, 2013

WWE RAW Results 8-19-13!

RAW is live tonight from Anaheim, California

- John Cena is out first to dozens of mixed reactions, Cena gets on the mic and says he is disgusted at what happened at Summerslam last night. Cena sucks chants start as usual, Cena says thanks for the warm welcome!... he goes on to say Daniel Bryan earned the WWE Championship last night and thanks Bryan for bringing out the best in him. He goes on to say that last night proved they shared the same passion for the business and says he competed even though he was told not to. Cena shows his elbow and he says the doctors told him to go home and cancel the WWE title match at Summerslam but he refused. Cena says he wanted a clean fight and got it. But when he went backstage someone told him Triple H just handed the WWE title to Randy Orton and it disgusted him. He goes on to say I can't put off my surgery any longer so tonight he is leaving WWE (to tons of cheers) for surgery for at least 4 months. But he wants to do one more thing he introduces Daniel Bryan to tons of cheers.

- Daniel Bryan is out and shakes Cena's hand as he leaves the ring... Daniel gets on the mic but before he can say anything Stephanie McMahon makes her way out and gets in the ring and grabs a mic, Stephanie apologizes to Bryan saying he deserved to be champion but suddenly goes full blown heel and takes up for Triple H's action saying he just did what was right for business. Daniel says obviously the people here don't agree with what's "right" for business. Stephanie then says well your not exactly WWE championship material I mean your 5'8" what 200 lbs? and well we can't all be supermodels your not a A but your solid B+... Daniel says that's funny because your reminding me of a word that starts with the letter B right now! the crowd starts chanting "Bitch!, Bitch!" Daniel then says he doesn't care what it takes tonight he is going to get his hands on either Triple H or Randy Orton because he deserves to be the WWE Champion! Stephanie then tries to talk again but Daniel smacks the microphone from her hand. Stephanie then asks security to escort Daniel out of the building. Daniel says he will be back as the crowd chants "NO!, NO!, NO!" and boos Stephanie as the segment ends.

Match #1
Cody Rhodes Def. Damien Sandow via roll up pinfall

- Brad Maddox is on the titantron and says Dolph Ziggler made some comments about Triple H after Summerslam, they then show Ziggler's comment "I never knew what his intentions were, but I never trusted him since I started here." Maddox then says since he likes to "show off" he will have the chance to do just that in a 3 on 1 handicap match tonight against The Shield...

- Paul Heyman is out with his left arm in a sling, he says now that Summerslam is over and done with he wants CM Punk to come back to him. He says he forgives CM Punk for what he has done, he goes on to say they can still make history together and wants to carry him to Wrestlemania once again. He finishes up by saying come home Punk and leaves the ring.

- They announce Randy Orton will receive a WWE Championship coronation tonight...

Match #2
Cameron & Naomi Def. AJ & Layla via roll up pinfall on Layla

- Dolph Ziggler is shown walking backstage his match is next...

- They show footage of what happened earlier with John Cena then Daniel Bryan & Stephanie McMahon...

Match #3
The Shield Def. Dolph Ziggler after Reigns nails a spear for the pin after the match they nail the triple powerbomb on Ziggler and celebrate.

- They promote the Coronation of WWE Champion Randy Orton...

Match #4
Alberto Del Rio Def. Sin Cara via stoppage under a minute into the match Sin Cara dove outside the ring into Del Rio injuring his hand and they held up the X sign and declared Rio the winner, looks like Sin Cara is injured yet again.

- Del Rio gets on the mic and says last night he proved he is the greatest world champion in history and says finally the Latino community have someone to cheer for. He makes it clear that he and only he will be representing the Latino community. Ricardo Rodriguez interrupts Rio and says Rio isn't a hero especially to the Latino community and reveals he is happy he is no longer associated with Del Rio. He says he is now associated with someone else and out comes Rob Van Dam to a enormous cheer. RVD & Rio get into in the ring and RVD sets up a Five star frog splash but Rio rolls out of the ring and runs up the ramp. RVD & Ricardo celebrate looks like a set up for RVD/Rio at Night of Champions.

- They advertise CM Punk's response to what Paul Heyman said for tonight...

- Zeb Colter is in the ring with the Real Americans Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger and gets on the mic, he says a great headline for WWE are real americans Swagger & Cesaro and says they should be celebrated for what they represent for the country unlike the people here in the arena tonight. He says illegal immigrants are using check cards that his taxes pay for. They take vacations that we pay for, they take all our jobs and he says happiness to us is being real americans and says the usual now say in a loud clear voice WE THE PEOPLE!

Match #5
Prime Time Players Def. The Real Americans after Young hits the gut check on Cesaro for the pin

- Big Show is being interviewed until Brad Maddox interrupts him and says you also made comments about Triple H last night after Summerslam... Maddox says Show will also be in a handicap match against The Shield tonight but this time all 3 members will be in the ring at once. Show leans in and says to Maddox "are you sure you want to do this to the Shield?" and walks away.

- A pointless segment backstage with Zack Ryder & Justin Gabriel advertising foot locker and there sweepstakes. Fandango interrupts and randomly dancing and says he likes this footlocker and takes some shoes. A really WTF segment.

- They show footage of Punk/Lesnar and Cena/Bryan from last night's Summerslam...

- Ryback suddenly enters the locker room, and says this is MY locker room and picks on some random jobber. Ryback throws his bag and tells him to pick it up he tries but he puts his foot on it. Ryback grabs the bag and throws it again and tells him to pick it up again. Ryback tells him to open the bag and turn on the water, the jobber says this is all I have and Ryback stiffly slaps him... he turns on the water until he fills it up and tells him to get the hell out of his locker room while laughing.

Match #6
The Shield Def. Big Show when they hit the triple powerbomb and all 3 cover him for the pin

- They hype CM Punk's response to Heyman again...

- CM Punk is out to a lot of cheers, Punk gets on the mic and says Heyman wants him to apologize so he can be WWE champion again and work together again. A fan says something to Punk that pisses him off and he starts shooting with the fan and tells him to get into the ring and calls him a fatass and says be a bitch and sit down and shut up. He continues and tells Heyman to come out so he can apologize. Heyman comes out with Curtis Axel by his side. Punk says hes sorry to Heyman hes sorry he didn't rip his arm off and take it home with him and if he ever gets his hands on him again he will choke him out and spit in his face. Punk says he wants a fight tonight, Heyman tells Axel to go to the back and tape his hands up for a fight. Heyman says hes not the fat guy in the front row he's a huge nightmare and Axel is going to kick Punk's ass if he doesn't leave the ring by the time they come back from commercial.

"Unsanctioned Fight"
CM Punk & Curtis Axel fight each other for a while taking multiple chair shots to each other... Axel gets the best of Punk for a while Heyman tells Axel to break Punk's leg as he has it between his leg, Axel gets on the middle rope and jumps off and misses, Punk then gets the best of Axel and gets the GTS on the steel steps outside the ring as Heyman slowly walks away and Punk stares down Heyman.

Match #7
Bray Wyatt Def. R-Truth via his "Sister Abigail" finisher in a squash

- A promo is shown for a new tag team called "Los Matadores" coming soon... they look ridiculous

Match #8
The Usos Def. Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal of 3MB via flying body splash on Mahal for the pin

- They once again advertise the coronation for Randy Orton...

- No One Lives on DVD is hyped...

Match #9
The Miz Def. Wade Barrett via DQ when Fandango hits the top rope legdrop and dances to celebrate

- The entire WWE roster is out on the entrance ramp... out comes Triple H already in the ring are Vince & Stephanie McMahon. Triple H gets on the mic and talks about how people don't understand the business and how he did what he did was for the future of the company and the WWE itself. The crowd is booing like crazy Triple H says he doesn't care about Bryan's personal opinion or anyone else's for that matter. He claims it isn't about Daniel Bryan it's about the future of the company and the fans. He praises Vince McMahon and his wife Stephanie for showing him the light in his decision last night. He then brings out Randy Orton to a stream of boo's. Orton shakes hands with all three of them and hugs Stephanie. Orton gets on the mic and thanks Triple H for what he did. Orton claims he is the real face of WWE the apex predator is champion once again he also says he doesn't care what anyone thinks about last night. Triple H decides to allow Daniel Bryan to come out to a string of cheers... The Shield end up attacking Bryan and Reigns takes him out with a spear. Triple H tells Shield to stop attacking Bryan so he can get into the ring. Bryan slowly gets in the ring only to receive a RKO from Orton. Bryan is laid out while all 4 celebrate in the ring to end the show.

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