Monday, August 19, 2013

Update On Randy Orton & Triple H!, John Cena Update! & Alberto Del Rio's Eye Update!

- Triple H turned heel last night aligning himself with former Evolution member Randy Orton, after Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena for the WWE title, Triple H hit Bryan with a Pedigree and Orton cashed in his money in the bank contract and defeated Bryan to become the new champion.

- There is already tons of speculation on what will come next, rumors have circulated that a new "Evolution" stable might be formed. With Orton, Triple H and new other up and coming WWE superstars. Flair is likely not to join if they decide to form the group as they are still sour on him right now.

- Other discussions have Triple H supporting Orton much like Paul Heyman does with Brock Lesnar, some even say Triple H will become "the new heel Vince McMahon". Regardless of which direction they go expect Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton to feud over the next two months for the WWE title.

- It is unknown how much involvement John Cena will have with WWE following Summerslam, he is expected to take more time off this time around to fully recover from other nagging injuries as well as his elbow.

- Speaking of Cena he uploaded this photo earlier today indicating something... 

- As far as Alberto Del Rio's black eye last night, it appears he was in a brawl in a local pub and Drew McIntyre got involved when two black men attacked Del Rio. Security eventually broke up the fight.

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