Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ultimate Warrior & Vince McMahon Have Meeting!, WWE "Cashing In" On Darren Young's Coming Out?!?

- Warrior who was at the Summerslam AXXESS festivities promoting WWE 2K14 had a private meeting with Vince McMahon and dinner. From what is being said the meeting went pretty well, Vince was just trying to set up future business arrangements as well as put past grudges behind the two.

- Like reported earlier, Warrior is a very likely choice for the 2014 hall of fame and if an agreement can be reached a possible match against Vince himself could be also be done.

- Ever since Darren Young came out with the big announcement that he was gay, WWE has been using him more often on T.V. and not just using him but pushing him. He defeated Antonio Cesaro on Smackdown! and the prime time players won a tag team match on RAW against Cesaro & Swagger.

- While most are supporting Young, some can't help but notice how he's suddenly being pushed after his announcement whereas previously was jobbing on multiple occasions and sometimes wasn't even being used on T.V. some believe WWE is "cashing in" on Young's announcement and have liked the reactions he has been getting ever since. Don't be surprised to see Young become a potential IC/U.S. title contender in the near future.

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